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You are a first year college student studying in Korea University and this is the first time that you will study in a popular University in South Korea. You are an intelligent, jolly, caring and loving person as well as very beautiful. As you step in your University you feel so shy because it was your first day and first time. You are taking up Applied Music because this is your dream and goal. You want to become a musician and a Kpop idol someday. Suddenly, while you are entering in the university you saw someone.

You: Oh my gosh! Who the heck is he? He's so handsome. I am so lucky today for meeting him here! My gosh.

It was Suho, he is a second year college student in Korea University and he is really popular because he is the Hottie leader of the popular band in your University namely EXO. You are so curious about him so you try to follow him. As you walk, Suho noticed that someone was following him so he turned his look to his back. And he saw you.

You: Omo he saw me. O.o

Suho: Oh hey there? Are you following me?

You: Ah hehehehe! Oh anio, This is also the way that I am going. Do not dare to say that.

Suho: Tsk. ^O^ Okay babe.

You: (Omo babe? Lol! He is really handsome, I cannot believe that I already talked to him haha. I think I started to like him now, what the? that fast?)

Suho: Are you okay?? Hello?

You: Oh yes!! :O

Suho: Okay, As I can see I think you are new here in this University?

You: Uhm yes! I am new here. Honestly, I am following you because I still don't know the way where my room is. So I thought of following you so that I can easily explore this University and I am so shy and don't have confidence to talk with the other students here.

You are the type of girl that talks directly to a person. You always tell what you feel and what you want to tell.

Suho: Oh now I know, do not worry. I will tour you here now. Come on. ;) (wink)

You: (Speechless O.O)

Suho: You want?

You: (Still shocked)

Suho: Hahaha. Hey!! I am asking here?

You: Jinjja?? Oh yes sure ^_^

You walk together, and all of the students in the University are starting to look at you two and they started to do murmers.

Tugs tugs tugs. Your heart is beating so fast. Haha. And you started to get nervous and sweat a little bit and Suho noticed your behavior.

Suho: Hey, are you okay? It seems that you are tense?

You: Oh no no no! I am fine. It's a bit hot in here. Whoo!

You said nervously. Haha. Suho offer his handerchief to you but unexpectedly he moves closer to you and he wipe your sweat on your forehead gently.

You: (Omo is this really happening to me?? I think I can die now. Hayyy Yehet!! You said happily on your mind. Suddenly, you collapsed due to excitement and pleasure. Hahahaha)

Suho: What the?? Hey wake up!/Aiissssh! What happened to you?

(Suho was so worried by your situation so he take you to the clinic. He carry you as much as he can. He was struggling because you are a little bit heavy)


After 1 hour of sleeping you finally woke up. And you saw your guardian angel Suho on your side sleeping like a fallen angel.

You: (Bite lip) Oh gosh. This Hottie must be really tired and he really took me here in the clinic I cannot believe this. Is this really happenning to me? (You are still in the process of aftershock. Gosh)

You: Hey there handsome! please wake up now. I am okay now, by the way, thank you very much for taking me here.

Suho: You are so heavy you know? but I still managed to carry you.

You: (you blushed) hehe sorry for that, by the way my name is (insert your name). And I am a first year college student. I am very thankful that I met someone that is kind and really handsome just like a guardian omo, I am just saying thank you again.

Then you kiss him in his left cheek. You blushed again. ♥

Suho: (also blushing) that was nothing I am really helping those people who need my help. By the way, I am Suho a second year college student here. Nice to meet you too. (wink again)

You: (gosh!! he keeps on doing that, I think I am really in heaven right now)

Two hours have past and you two are still having a conversation. You exchanged information about yourselves. You two are really comfortable and happy without expecting it to happen.

The end!

**Opps! ヽ(^。^)ノ Let us have the continuation next time. Better catch my next Suho imagines. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading ♥


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