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Your POV

OCTOBER 31 : It's already 8:30pm in the evening:

"Oh it's getting late now, where is my Suho-ah ?" you said.

You are so worried by it so you try to contact your boyfriend.

*RING-RING* 5 missed calls

but he still didn't responded.

"Ugh! I hate him, he promised me last night that we will have a dinner date tonight in my house and we'll watch a movie. Is he not going to see me? You said angrily and feeling a little bit sad.

Two hours have past and because of the boringness of waiting for your boyfriend Suho you suddenly fall asleep in your sofa. By the way your parents are in a vacation so you are alone in the house. Suddenly the door bell rang.


Since that you are sleeping you didn't knew that your boyfriend is in your house already. Suho didn't waste the time so he get his key from his pocket that you gave him yesterday.

Suho finally got in, he felt a little bit sad because he is busy preparing his surprise gift for your Birthday for tomorrow (November 1 ㅋㅋ) that's why he's late.

He walks closer to the sofa where you are sleeping. He holds your cheek and he press it gently, you responded and he smiled at you. You finally noticed what Suho was doing to you. You opened your eyes and you saw him.

"Oh Suho >\\\< your finally home sweety where have you been?" you said in a shy tone voice. But you still feel a little bit angry with him.

"Sorry baby I didn't mean to be late, I am just busy with my work lately please forgive me." Suho replied as he give you a smack on your pink soft lips.

"Aigooo aniya sweety not now please, Okay, forget it, apology accepted." you said while blushing.

"Thanks sweety, I love you so much." Suho added.

"I love you more my Suho-ah". you said.

You finally got up from the sofa and you grab both hands of Suho to go to the dinning room. You finally prepare the dinner from the kitchen and you eat together.

"Sweety do you love it? is it good?." you ask sweety from your boyfriend.

"Yes sweetheart it's delicious, I hope I am always here on your side to taste all the foods you prepare, you're a good cook huh?". He replied while smiling like there's no tomorrow.

"Ohh sweetheart your so sweet , I really love you my Suho-ah, please spend the night with me here please jagiya". You said sweetly from your boyfriend.

"Okay I'll stay. Since it was your birthday I will grant your request." Suho smiled giving you a smirk.

"Oh dear!, stop looking at me like that, your teasing me babe".

Suho laughed.

You two are finally done eating your late dinner and you two go to the sala to watch a movie together. Suho was sitting in the sofa and you sit beside him, your head is in the right shoulder of Suho, you two are hugging each other while watching a movie entitled "The grudge". As the ghost appeared you are shouting and crying out loud, your boyfriend just can't stand your reaction so he just laughed at you.

"HAHAHAHAHA Ohh my poor baby is afraid of ghost". Suho said teasing you.

"Oppa stop it, please I cannot take it anymore, I want to sleep jagiya." you said while crying and slapping Suho's shoulder. LOL

"Hey sweetheart? Ouch! are you crying ohh I am so sorry ㅋㅋ Okay we'll sleep now, baby don't cry okay? please stop now, I was just joking". Suho smiled at you and he kissed your left cheek.

He finally turned off the television.

"Sweetheart it's finally 12 midnight and it's finally your birthday, Happy Birthday and Happy 1st Anniversary my baby____ (Insert your name)".

Suho gave you a diamond pair of earings with bracelet and since you two are busy showing your love to each other Suho placed your gift to the table. And he hugged you tight this time. You broke the hug and gave him a huge smile and you kissed him gently in his sweet soft lips.

"Sweetheart thank you for coming into my life, I love you baby, thanks for everything my darling Suho-ah". You said happily and still teary.

"Baby I love you more and I am so thankful to know you in my whole life. Stay with me forever sweetheart". Suho replied.

You two spend the night until the day comes out, until the sun rise, you watch together the sun goes up in the garden. You two are laying in the grass holding hands , your head was laying in the left chest of Suho feeling his heartbeat and your hands are both linked together. Suho was really happy as he kissed your head gently while saying "I love you Baby, you are always and forever here in my heart".


Aigoo that's the end of the story. I hope you like it guys.


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