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"why did this happened?! i thought we succeeded!!" 

tachibana naoto, screamed, feeling betrayed by the faith.

"naoto..." his partner takemichi said, comforting his friend.

last night, after takemichi came back from the past,  he thought he finally succeeded from saving his ex girlfriend, tachibana hinata from dying, but guess what... he didn't.

faith must be really enjoy making this guy suffer and struggle huh?

"we.. we can still save hina. we just have to try harder this time o-okay?" takemichi said, convincing his partner naoto.

teary naoto, stand up, wiping his tears before facing takemichi.

"i will do anything for my sister." 


"i did some research on atsushi sendou. this time... he was married and had children." naoto said, informing takemichi from the inform he found out just last night.

"huh? he was?!.. then why... why'd he do it, even though he had a family?" takemichi asked, looking at him shocked.

"his family's missing right now." 


naoto nod, convincing takemichi that what he's saying is true.

"he's family was likely used... to coerce him into doing it." naoto then gaze to his side where takemichi is.

"did sendou say anything... just  after he died??" 

takemichi nod, remembering what his friend akkun told him last night.

"yeah... the same as before... that he had to follow toman's orders." 

"toman again?" naoto said, shaking he's head in disgust.

"in the end... we couldn't change anything ... everything we try is useless." naoto said, feeling hopeless.

takemichi glared at him, not agreeing.

"you're wrong naoto! didn't i told you earlier?! i'm going to save hina-san! even if i try it a hundred times! you also said it yourself that you'll do anything just to save hina-san!!" takemichi said, making naoto snap out of his thoughts.

naoto didn't utter a word, feeling guilty and sad at the same time. 

takemichi's right. shouldn't they try again? even if they try it a hundred times?

takemichi looked at him glaring, tring to catch his breath not until he remember soemthing.

"wait..." he said, making naoto look at him.

"can you still track y/n-chan? does she changed?" takemichi asked.

naoto shaked his head before answering.

"no, she's still cho sakura, the leader of homura cho group."

"can you still get a hold from her?" 

naoto looked at him shock.

"do you want to die? that woman's dangerous." naoto said.

takemichi shook his head.

"no... i know she wont hurt us. she said she wants to kill mikey-kun, there should be a reason right? maybe that could give us way to save everyone!" takemichi said.

naoto stand, pointing his finger at takemichi a lot of time.

"this is the last time. okay?" he said. takemichi nod at him, smiling.

"definitely the last time."


"mikey-kun..." y/n said, as she saw mikey outside her hospital room door.

mikey walked towards her. it's been a month since the incident happened, mikey came to the hospital to fetch y/n, because this is the day the girl can now go home.

"let's go?" he asked, smiling.

the (h/c) haired y/n smiled back, nodding.

"let's go..." she said.


"what the fuck is this???" she said, holding at her back pack, looking at the white van in front of her.

"huh? a van." mikey answered, looking at her confused.

the (h/c) haired girl shook her head, pointing at the van.

"i know.. what i mean is that-- where the hell did you get this?? who's driving? you? aren't we minors??" she asked, as she glanced where mikey is.

mikey looked at her confused.

"hmm? i'm not the one who get van." he said, looking at her deffensive, as if he steal the van somewhere.

"the who?" y/n asked.


the two looked at the van, only to see the long haired guy y/n saw at the fight.

"baji!!!" mikey said, greeting the long haired guy with a smile.

baji nod at him then glanced back to where y/n is.

"it's mine... so don't nag at mikey. i'm the one who stole it." he snake, smiling showing his little fang teeth.

(e/c) eyes grew bigger from the long haired guy said.


"y-n-chan!!" the three looked inside the car only to see a guy in a blondie undercut haircut.

y/n looked at him confused, doesn't know who the hell this guy is.

the guy smiled at her before going out the car.

"oh! this must've be our first time meeting... i'm chifuyu." he said, offering his hand for a shakehand.

the (h/c) haired y/n's about to hold his hand not until mikey snatched her hand back, glaring at chifuyu.

"you can't touch her. she's still not feeling well. she's still recovering." mikey said, glaring.

chifuyu looked at him scared.

"no! it's okay! i'm fine!" y/n said, as she offer her hand back to chifuyu but mikey quickly snatched it back.

"no! you're still not well! let's just go!" mikey said, as he carefull drag her inside the van, leaving the two, baji and chifuyu.

"does it connect?" chifuyu asked baji?

baji looked at him confused.

"the what?"

chifuyu then glanced back to where mikey and y/n went inside before opening his mouth.

"her condition and our shake hands, does it connect? why can't i shake hands her?" he asked, making baji sighed.

baji then putted his palm onto chifuyu's shoulder while nodding.

"it must've be science bro..." he answered, before going inside the van.

this made chifuyu mnore confused.

"what the fuck? science?" he utter to his self before entering the van.

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