A Baby Stand

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You finished making yourself something to eat, and you went to sit on the couch and finish up the rest of your homework. You reached over to turn the radio on and listen to the Morioh Radio channel as you did your work. As you were writing the answer to the problem on the paper, the home phone started to ring. You took one more bite of food before answering the phone.

   " Hello? "

   " Hey, Y/n! Are you free right now? "

   " I'm currently working on homework and eating my lunch. Why? Do you need something? "

   " Yeah, can Mr. Joestar and I come over? We have a problem and it's really awkward to have Mr. Joestar here alone with me. "

   " Umm-"

On the other end of the phone, you could hear crying. It sounded like a baby was crying.

   " Josuke, is that a baby? "

   " Yeah, That's part of the problem. I'm begging you can we come over? "

   " Sure. How long will it take you to get here? "

   " Twenty minutes, maybe. "

   " Okay, I'll make some extra food for you guys. "

   " Thank you so much, Y/n. I owe you one. "

   " You owe me more than one by this point. Bye. "

   " Bye. "

You hung up the phone and finished up your lunch before going to the kitchen and making two more plates of food for Josuke and Mr. Joestar. You set the plates aside and waited on the couch for the two stand users to get there. When your doorbell rang, you walked to the door and opened it. 

   " Hello, dear. " Mr. Joestar said, smiling at you. 

You could see a blanket in his arms, but it was wrapped around nothing, but somehow it was filled. Behind Mr. Joestar, Josuke stood behind you with a lot of baby products and a cradle.

   " Umm, come in? "

You stepped aside and opened the door wider, and they walked in.

   " Thank you, so much for letting us come. " Mr. Joestar said, smiling.

When Josuke entered your house, you shut the door and locked it, but you turned back to Josuke and pointed to all of the baby stuff he had bought and brought over.

   " We found a baby that has a stand. The baby, when stressed, turns invisible. So, we think if we find her mother she won't be invisible anymore, and she's naked so we had to buy some stuff to clothe and take care of her. And It would be awkward to do this in public, so. . ."

   " I see. . .Well, I've got lunch for you both in the kitchen. "

   " Thanks. " Josuke walked to the kitchen, and I pulled the baby stuff over to the couch where Mr. Joestar sat. 

   " Can you put a diaper on her for me please? "

   " Umm, I don't know how to do that. "

   " Oh, well, let me show you. If you'll grab me a diaper I'll put one on her. "

   " Okay. "

You found a box of diapers and took one out. You handed it to Mr. Joestar, and he put on the baby and told you how to do it. 

   " That's how you put a diaper on a baby. "

   " Did you buy her some clothes? "

Mr. Joestar nodded, and you looked through all of the stuff they bought and found the clothes. You took the baby from Mr. Joestar and started to dress her. You put on a pink and white outfit with a light lavender-colored hat. You found light green socks and slipped them on her. You noticed a small rattle in the cart of stuff, and you handed it to the baby. The baby seemed very happy to lay in your lap.

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