Heaven's Door

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   " Hey! Look up there! I think that might be his studio! The lights are on. "

   " Yeah, you're right. "

   ' That sounds like Koichi and. . .Hazamada? '

You turned the corner and spotted the two standing in front of a very familiar house. The house was Rohan's.

   " Umm, hey guys. What are you two doing? " You asked the two.

   " Oh, hey Y/n! We wanted to find the manga artist Rohan Kishibe and get his autograph. " Koichi said, turning to you.

   " I didn't know Rohan was that famous. He only said he was a manga artist. " You said as you stood beside the two and looked up at the house.

   " Wait, you know him!? " Hazamada shouted.

   " Yeah, three months ago we met at the park. He had moved to Morioh that day, and we started to talk. I would say we're friends. "

Koichi and Hazamada's faces seem to light up at your answer. 

   " Why? "

   " Tell us about him! "

   " Does he have any family with him? " Koichi asked.

   " I heard he lives alone. " Hazamada said, looking at Koichi.

   " He does. He doesn't have any family living with him as far as I'm aware. And I know he's not married, because he said that he's too young, he's twenty,  and he's dedicated to his work."

   " Have you been inside of his house? " Hazamada asked.

   " I have. I come to visit him. He lets me come inside and usually he searves me some tea and we talk for a while. We even play chess sometimes. "

   " Then you should go ring the doorbell and introduce us! " 

   " Why don't one of you go and do it? "

   " It's an order from your senior and this kind of stuff makes me nervous. " 

   " Please, Y/n. " Koichi begged.

You sighed and nodded your head. You walked up the stairs to Rohan's house and pressed the doorbell. There was silence before the door opened to reveal Rohan. There was no smile on his face, but there was no glare.

   " Hey, Rohan. "

   " Hello, Y/n. What brings you by? "

   " Well, I found my friends standing outside of your house, and they wanted to meet you. They're fans. "

   " Fans? You found them outside of my house? My address must have gotten leaked. "

   " I didn't tell them. "

   " That's not it at all! I just happened to hear it in passing. I hope it's not too much trouble, Mr. Rohan, but could we have a couple of autographs? It would really make our day. " Hazamada said, stepping in front of you. 

You stepped to the side of the doorway and let the three converse.

   " Your fans, eh? Tremendous. We might just be on the same wavelength. " He said, smirking.

   " Huh? "

   " Nothing, don't mind me. Please come in. "

Rohan pushed the door out more for them to walk inside. He walked into the house and glanced back at you and the other two.

   " It would be a pleasure to sign autographs for two of my biggest fans. And Y/n, you are always welcome to stop by. "

The two boys behind you smiled wide and started to tremble from happiness.

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