July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 1

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You woke up on Thursday feeling serene. Your morning was regular like every other morning. You woke up and showered before making yourself breakfast. You didn't eat much for breakfast, and you sat at your table and started to eat when the telephone in the living room began to ring. You abandoned your food and walked to the phone.

   " Hey, Y/n! Okuyasu and I are leaving early to walk to summer school. We're about to leave my house, and walk past yours. If you want to come with us, meet us outside. We're going to take a long way and go through the sunflower fields. We'll be there in a moment. "

You hung up on Josuke and went into your kitchen, ready to finish your food. You ate the rest of your food and set your plate in the sink, but when you raised your head to look outside, you spotted a bird nest sitting in the crook of a tree that stood in your yard. You thought about looking at the nest before deciding to leave it to its own. You put your shoes on and checked your appearance in a nearby mirror, and walked out of your house. You waited beside your mailbox for Josuke and Okuyasu. You looked around at the people walking around, and when you looked to your right, you saw Koichi running down the street, opposite you. You wanted to call out to him, but you kept your mouth shut and decided to throw a rock at him.

   ' I'll feel bad about it later. '

You picked up a rock that fit the palm of your hand perfectly. You threw it at Koichi, and it hit his hand. Koichi stopped running and looked down at his hand, rubbing the red spot. He looked in your direction, and you waved at him with a smile on your face. Koichi ran towards you, and you opened your notebook to start writing.

Good morning, Koichi. Where are you running to?

   " I'm running late, for something. I accidentally slept in, and now I'm late. What are you doing out here? "

Josuke and Okuyasu are meeting me. I'm going to walk with them to summer school.

   " Oh, well that's kind of you. I would love to talk more, but I need to be going. "

Have a good day, Koichi!

   " You, too, Y/n! "

Koichi continued running, and he left your presence. You looked back towards the bird's nest you spotted earlier and saw that the nest wasn't in the tree anymore. The nest had fallen to the ground, and an orange cat was poking the nest with its paw.

   ' That cat must have knocked the nest down. Those poor birds. '

   " Heya, Y/n! "

You looked down the street and Waved at Okuyasu, who had called you. Josuke was walking beside him with his hand on the back of his neck.

   " So, you decided to come with us, huh? "

I won't be going with you to school. I will walk you some of the ways since you're taking a long way, and I don't want to walk that far. 

   " Well, thanks for at least coming with us some of the way. How far are you going to walk us? "

Probably until we get to Rohan's house. I want to see how his new house looks. Though I won't keep him for long, I will be doing my things today. 

Josuke nodded, and you started walking with them. You passed by the other houses as you walked by, and you felt amazing. The sun was shining, and you felt great. Your smile didn't leave your face, and you held hands with Josuke along the trip to Rohan's house.

   " Ahh! "

You turned at the scream and saw a woman dripping wet.

   " Oh, no this damn hose. "

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