Another Meeting

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   " I'm telling you I really met a ghost! The girl you see in that picture is Ms. Reimi-"

   " Yeah, we get it! I already said that we believe you. " Josuke said interrupting Koichi.

Okuyasu handed you the photo of Reimi and you looked at the woman and her dog. She had fair skin with short pink hair, and she wore a dress that was pink. Her dog was adorable, and you felt sad that they were both ghosts. You took a sip of your drink and handed the photo to Josuke. 

   ' I hope the people inside of the convenience store don't question what we're doing sitting outside. '

   " If she's going to stick around we should probably meet your ghost friend too. But fair warning Koichi, if we go to Jotaro or Mr. Joestar about this you can bet your ass they'll have one question for you. This unknown killer, is he using a stand on his victims? " Josuke asked.

   " Uh, I guess. I really don't know. "

   " In that case, it's up to the police and court. "

   " What are you saying!? There's a thirsty murderer in Morioh! "

   " Koichi calm down! You don't want anyone to hear you say that. And Josuke has a point. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro are looking for stand users. They're not looking for an ordinary killer, but one with a stand. "

   " Thank you, Y/n. " Josuke said standing up and patting Koichi's shoulder.

You stood up beside him with Okuyasu getting up. You couldn't believe that you missed meeting Reimi yesterday when you went to the store.

   ' Well, I got my ordinary day. It's back to getting bizarre. '

   " So, what did ole' Rohan say? " Josuke asked Koichi.

Koichi shrugged off Josuke's arm and started to cross the road.

   " He said the same thing. "

   " Koichi!" 

Shining Knight jumped into action and pulled Koichi back to the group, as a car skirted to a stop. Your stand disappeared as soon as Koichi was out of the road.

   " You need to be more careful! " You shouted. 

   " I'm sorry for the trouble. " Koichi said to the man in the car.

You recognized the man in the vehicle as the same man who was in the store yesterday. You waved at him, and he nodded to you, rolling his window up. He drove off leaving you three at the convenience store. You watched the car as it sped off and turned down the road.

   " That was a little, creepy. " Josuke said.

   " I've seen that guy before. He was at the store yesterday. I was getting a carton of milk and he asked for a gallon. I handed it to him and left. " You said.

   " Was he that creepy? "

   " No. We only talked for a few seconds. "

   " Hmm, well, what are we doing sitting around here for? Lets go for a walk or do something. "

Josuke put his arm around your shoulder and started walking in the opposite direction the car had gone. Koichi and Okuyasu followed behind you, but you looked back in the direction the car had gone. You had met the man twice now, and you didn't feel like it would be the last. 

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