Chapter 4: Detention and New Best Friends

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Don't turn, E!

"Ellie!" I pretended like I didn't hear anything.

"E!" I gritted my teeth and resisted the urge to just look back and yell at the top of my lungs.


Don't look back! You are full of peace, E!


P-E-A-C-E. That's my mantra.


These idiots can never break you, Ellie!


Breathe in, Breathe out...


That's it!

"What the fudge-berries is wrong with you two?!" I yell as I turn around in my seat to glare at the two identical dumbos.

I was peacefully doodling in my notebook in the Chemistry class when Mason and Jason told the grumpy, old teacher, Mrs Sandy Krampe that I was disturbing them. They were already disturbing the class so they got detention but when the grumpy teacher saw that I wasn't focusing, she gave me detention too.

Now, if it were any other teacher, I could have gotten out of trouble easily. But the old Mrs Sandy who pretends to be a little too young for her age with her short skirt and a top two-sizes too small for her, hates me! She despises me so much that she just tries to find reasons to punish me. And that too all because when I attended her first class as a freshman, I pointed out how what she was teaching us was wrong.

And now my own friends gave her a reason to hand me a detention slip. They gave her a reason to delay my freedom from this tortuous place everyone calls school. I could see the kids laughing in the parking lot as they met their friends and headed home while I was stuck here with the troublemakers who were sending me winks and chits, asking for my number.

"Gee! Someone's getting ready to challenge godzilla!" Mason muttered as he took in my fuming state. That comment made me angry and by the look on Jason's face, I could tell that he knew how his lookalike was lighting the spark for a wildfire to come to life.

"Mace, bro, shut up. The volcano is about to erupt!" Jason warned his brother. It was their silly code line. Whenever I got angry, they always said that the volcano was about to erupt. They thought that it was clever of them and that no one else could understand the meaning of their words. These idiots think that no one other than them understands English language.

Sometimes I wonder why I still stick with such dumb friends...

"You're damn right! The volcano is about to erupt and it will burn you two to ash!" I growled at them as I got up. But before I could do anything, I felt a pair of strong arms grab me by my waist. I growled at the person who was holding me back.

"E, these two aren't worth it! Just an hour and then we'll be out of here." I heard Xander's deep voice whispering in my ear from behind me as he pulled me closer into his chest. I sighed. "Breathe in. breathe out." Xander whispered in a soothing voice, making me calm down.

Just then, realisation dawned upon me.

"Wait! We will be out in an hour's time? Why are you in detention?" I questioned him as I turned around to face him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't have anything better to do and Damien was going to his boxing practice. Liam was taking Kara on a date and the twins are stuck here with you. So, I decided to join you in detention." Xander replied with a bored expression as if he was telling me that the night sky is darker than the morning sky.

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