Chapter 5: Truth revealed and Group Chat

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"Ethan's my new best friend." I said, cheerfully. My voice was loud enough to get Ethan's attention. He looked at me in shock as I smiled at him. "Right, Ethan?" I asked him sweetly.

Ethan stared at me with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. I wanted to laugh at his expression but when I saw the furious look on Xander's face, I covered my expressions with a bright smile. I walked to Ethan and sat on the table in front of his chair. He was still staring at me as if I was an alien.

"Your best friend?" Ethan finally spoke up, his voice coming out squeaky. I giggled at that, making Xander practically growl.

"Yes, Ethan. My best friend. You are my best friend." I told him. He chuckled deeply after a few seconds making me frown at him.

"I'd rather be your best boyfriend." He told me, making me narrow my eyes at him. But before I can say anything, Xander grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from the table and towards himself.

"I am your best friend. And you will never talk to this guy! Never!" Xander informed me with a furious look in his eyes.

"Why? Just because I asked her out?" Ethan questioned Xander, clearly enjoying his discomfort and angry state. Ethan's shock was now all gone as he relaxed back in his seat and smirked at Xander.

"If what you said a few seconds ago was you asking me out, then I would like to tell you that you need to work on your charm, blondie!" I snorted at Ethan's smugness. Ethan's smirk fell as he frowned at me. By now, the twins had stopped their banter and were now looking at Xander with their eyes wide.

"I wasn't talking about what I said a few seconds earlier. I was talking about the card I left in your locker two years ago." Ethan informed me as he stood up from his seat. I frowned at that. I do receive a lot of chits and cards in my locker from people telling me how they like me and stuff but I usually ignore it all. I am one of the most popular kids in the school so I am used to all this but I never received any notes or cards from Ethan. Ever!

"I never received any card from you." I told Ethan. His eyes grew wide and his eyes moved to Xander. I turned to see Xander glaring daggers at Ethan with his eyes. Xander looked like he was trying to get Ethan to shut up.

"You saw the card first! You hid it from her and you beat me up too. I thought that she hated me and rejected my proposal and that was why you came to beat me up and to warn me to stay away from her!" Ethan accused Xander. My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped to the floor. I turned to see Xander staring at Ethan with so much hatred.

"Xan, tell me that he is lying!" I whispered to Xander as anger started talking over my logical senses. The twins pulled me back when Xander grabbed Ethan by the collar of his shirt.

"You guys knew, didn't you?" I sneered as I looked at the twins who gave me sheepish smiles in return. I walked to Xander and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Leave him, Xander. The teacher is about to come in. And if you get in any more unnecessary trouble, I would personally drop you off to hell." I told Xander. He glared at Ethan for one last time before he left Ethan's collar and went back to his seat. I followed him and took my seat.

"That's it? Shouldn't you at least tell me what your reply would have been if you would have found my card!" Ethan called out when he saw how the four of us settled down and started focusing on something or the other. Xander was about to say something but I spoke up before he had the chance to.

"I would have said yes but now that I think about it, I would have broken up with you after a day or two. And so, if you ask me now, my answer would be no." I shrugged before I focused on the book laying on my table. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that Xander was smirking at Ethan while Ethan looked shocked. The twins were high-fiving each other.

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