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In those moments, she loved him with her eyes as much as her body, their souls mingling in the quiet moments between action and stillness

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In those moments, she loved him with her eyes as much as her body, their souls mingling in the quiet moments between action and stillness. The cool room already felt warm. It was hard to hold back, to make the moment last. They were caught between the intoxication of the climax and extending a moment they never wanted to end.

Virginia's eyes fluttered open and she blinked twice to adjust to the sudden shower of morning light. The bed was empty but the thin cotton of the quilt tucked around her tickled her chin and she couldn't find it in herself to get up. As far as she was concerned, there was not a single cloud in the sky that could put a damper on her day. Her cheeks felt warm suddenly as the memories of what happened the night before came flooding back like a storm.

Her mother had never talked to her about matters of physical intimacy. Not that there was enough time for conversations like that anyway. In fact, as much of a curious spirit she was, Virginia never asked too many questions following her brief and surprisingly confusing lesson on menstruation. She could never understand why her mother always turned red as she explained how to attach sanitary pads to a belt. It was such a miraculous gift, to create a whole person. Virginia always thought it was a shame that it could never be celebrated or even mentioned to her brothers. Mrs. Curtis had to remind her quite often that her flowering time was not to be spoken in front of the men in the house.

School was of no help in mature matters. Boys and girls were taught the mysteries of sex separately but their teachers would never go into detail for the how and what. She remembered a strangely obscure video comparing the eggs within a female to those of cows. The general gist for the girls' videos was to fulfill their husband's needs and wishes for such intimacy.

Register reluctance through maintaining silence and always remember to apply nighttime face and hair care products, the cheerful narrator instructed in a grainy videotape. The sentiment never rested comfortably in Virginia's mind.

Sighing, Virginia turned on her side, her fingers curling on the frayed corner of the pillow her head sunk in. She thought of Sandy, Sodapop's old girlfriend. Rumors had spread that she was pregnant out of wedlock and quite possibly, that destroyed her reputation and life more than what truly happened. She thought of Angela Shepherd who was quickly married off the second she presumed she was with child. They were young at the time, she assured herself as her worries began to surface. I'm twenty-three... twenty-three and still unmarried.

But school never talked about that wonderful feeling, conquering her body like a wave of unbridled euphoria, a phantasmagorical display. It was like being struck by lightning, what poets would call stars dancing on her skin like droplets of hot sunlight. She thought if she opened her eyes, she would find herself transported to another world. It was the way in which he held her that no videotape or pamphlet could describe.

She hadn't heard the door creak open until her eyes landed on Dallas' bare torso. A pair of blue jeans hung from his hips. His back was turned to the bed and she heard the sharp crack of a match. The second she saw the side of his face turn in her direction, she quickly pulled the blanket up her face and averted her gaze.

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