After math

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Y/n pov

I put Seven back in his tank and closed it off. I laid down on my bed as Carson still waited.
"It was January. Anna was living at Not a content house as I lived in my college apartment." I started off. Carson sat on my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

"I had invited Anna over to hang out before I had to do a photoshoot with Emma. She drove over and it was kinda awkward. She was quieter than usual. I asked her what was wrong since I wanted to make her happy again. It was like she wasn't her. She started saying that her mind was messing with her and that she didn't know how she truly felt anymore. She said she still loved me but she didn't know how she did. If was in a friend way or a lover way." Carson nodded letting me talk my story out.

"So I told her that I still loved her no matter what. I mean I'm the person who picked her up after the whole top talent situation. Plus she had gotten a lot of Hate from the whole Ag situation. Their still friends and me and Ag have talked that through but most people didn't know what happened. So she said she would take a break from social media for a second and try and figure herself out."

"But she never did. She kept going and I watched her burnout mentally wise. We talked about it in person at a photoshoot to be friends until she could figure out what she wanted. Then the whole jersey situation happened and NACH happened so she kinda got fucked up again. We talked everyday until she stopped replying on day. She moved into her new house and I was doing my college stuff all the time. So everything just kinda stopped. She texted me at Thanksgiving saying she needed help moving her desk upstairs since Fred and Tommy were somewhere else. I helped her with the desk and we talked a lot about how we were doing."

"She said that she is better mentally but still has her days where she struggles. But when she asked me how I dealt with the breakup I kinda didn't answer. I said I wasnr ready to talk about it yet and the reason I haven't tolf anyone about it. She understood and we have been talking ad friends again. It's just hard to fall in love with someone and then you both are friends after. It's a scary but happy thought. Because you never run out of love for that person."

I sat their for a second and Carson then knew she could speak. She stared outside as it started to snow. I heard my mom and daves door shut downstairs meaning we were the only ones up now. Carson looked at me and smiled.
"Well your still in love with her. I can tell. But how did you handle the break up? Emmi and I are still best friends because of you guys just to let you know." I smiled as I thought of how Emmi ran into Carson at Target. And me and Anna were on a date that day.

"Well at first I was fine with it. I understood how Anna needed to figure herself out. But when she just ghosted me I went into a deep hole. I never left my house and rarely ate. Anna has been a big part of my life even before we dated. We went ro school together and graduated as best friends. For her to just kinda force it to stop hurt. I also got a lot of hate because of it. I may be a photographer but I am also on social media. Anna and I took everyone it was for the best but everyone told me it was my fault Anna went into her dark hole."

"I was told to kill myself for hurting her and for making the bright girl she is sad. I was called many things. I made my own health worse when I hooked up with Addison at a party. I was the reason her and Bryce never talk anymore. I was super drunk when it happened and she just happily took me in. I was supposed to make Bryce jealous but as we know that went bad. When I went into my dark hole Kennedy stayed at my apartment for awhile. Especially after I passed out in my bathroom being drunk."

Carson stared at me as I never told her any of this. I never wanted to. She is my best friend but also my little sister. And I don't want her to deal with her sister being a mentally unstable person. She knows me as the smiling goofy idiot she grew up with and saw how I made myself my own main character.
"Y/n you could've told me. I would've came and seem you somehow." I shook my head as I got comfy in my bed.

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