Just a few of us

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Anna's pov

I cuddled against Y/n as she was playing my Xbox. Kennedy had brought her Xbox taking Tommy's TV playing with Y/n. Juj and Emmi painted their nails as we all just chilled for a while. Tomorrow was the party at my dad's house. I was ready for it but nervous since I knew Ben was gonna be there. Everyone in town goes to this party. So he was gonna go for sure. I heard a knock at the door seeing my mom walk in.
"Why hello everyone. Emmi ans Juj glad you two are well. Kennedy how are you I haven't seen you in ages. Y/n you know you didn't have to get me anything from sonic." Everyone giggled as i looked at my mom.
"What the heck am I? Chop liver?" My mom giggled as Y/n waved her off.
"The least I could do for everything you helped me through." My mom smiled as she looked at me. She smiled seeing how I was cuddling Y/n. I suddenly heard Kennedy yell out as Y/n cheered.
"HAHA WE WON AGAINST A BUNCH OF EIGHT YEARS OLDS." Me, Emmi and Juj giggled as Kennedy and Y/n froze at my moms stare. My mom hated when we yelled. Especially Y/n and Kennedy since their voices echoed.

"Y/n y/m/n y/l/n and Kennedy Marie Sparks you can either apologize to me for making me deaf or go clean the dishes. Your choice." Kennedy and Y/n started shutting their Xboxs off while getting up.
"Sorry Mrs. Shumate. We will go clean the dishes-"
"Sorry for making you deaf Mrs. Shumate. We will get right on it." Y/n kissed my head walking out with Kennedy. We all laughed as I heard Y/n and Kennedy yell out again. My mom shook her head as Emmi and Juj sat up running for the stairs. I got up following seeing Ami and Kennedy hugging. Ami was one of our close friends in highschool. We were the stupid six but she moved schools when we graduated so we never really could hang out. I hugged Ami as Y/n started cleaning the dishes. Kennedy joined her as my mom hugged Ami as well.
"So how is college Ami?" Emmi asked ad my mom walked to the living room.
"It's good. But I came over to take you and Julia to my house so we cam get ready." I looked at Ami confused.
"Ready for what?"
"Well Julia has a date. I have to go to a dinner and Emmi is my plus one. So you guys ready?" Juj and Emmi nodded saying goodbye and walking out the door.

I sat in the kitchen grabbing a water watching Y/n and Kennedy bicker about how they knew the rule. I heard Y/n phone go off seeing her dad call her.
"Y/n it's your dad."
"Can you answer? I am almost done with this." I nodded answering the phone hearing Y/n dad running around frantically. It confused me as I could hear him at work.
"Ah Anna hello is Y/n there?"
"Uh she's busy at the moment. Why what's up?" I heard Y/n dad start running in the wind.
"Laura's water broke. Nate took her to the hospital already. I'm on my way there right now. If Y/n wants to meet her little sibling then I suggest you guys head out now." My eyes went wide as Y/n walked over worried.
"What's wrong?" I smiled handing the phone to Y/n. She spoke to her dad when I heard her gasp. Kennedy walked over to me as Y/n started calling Carson and her mom.

"So you two trying again?" I nodded as Kennedy smiled.
"I knew you guys would. But I wanted to talk to you about something." I looked at Kennedy as she pulled something out of her pocket. I saw a ring.
"Uh Ken-"
"Shush I'm not taking my best friends girl. I will wait patiently for someone to love my dumbass. But Y/n when she first wrote the film she made she told me to hold onto this until she was ready to tell you. Well she never did. This isnt a engagement ring but a promise ring. When you two broke up I kept it when she told me to pawn it. I have had this feeling that you two would get back together so I held onto it since she bought it. So now that you two are trying again I thought I would give this to you." Kennedy put the ring in my hand as I looked at it. It was very pretty. It was also my style. Y/n knew me so well so this doesn't surprise me but she was actually gonna promise to marry me.

I looked up at Kennedy as she leaned back smiling. I hugged her as she gave me a hug back.
"I'm not sure I'll wear it yet but it helps. Thank you." Kennedy waved her hand as she looked at Y/n.
"Y/n always deserved someone like you. She needed someone that was her twin flame. If she didn't have me she always had you. I'll find that someday. But I'm just happy watching you two become friends to lovers to odd friends to maybe lovers again." I put the ring in my pocket watching Y/n run up to us.
"So Carson is on her way to see our little sibling. So we gotta go."
"I'm following you cowboy let's hit it." Y/n laughed grabbing her car keys saying a quick by to my mom. Kennedy tipped her baseball hat to her as I waved goodbye. We all ran to the car getting in. Y/n stared at the wheel then at Kennedy.
"Get out I'll drive." Y/n nodded getting in back with me as Kennedy hopped in front driving us to the hospital.

"It's ok to be nervous Y/n. It just means you get to be another older sister." Y/n nodded as I tried calming her down so she wasnr scared to be in the car. I played some music watching Y/n sing along. Kennedy jammed out as I held Y/n hand. I noticed Kennedy looked back at us singing the lyrics to eachother. She just smiled as we drove to the hospital. I knew Kennedy would find her girl. I knew I found mine.

I knew we would be together.

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