Soft talks

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No one's pov

Anna stared at Y/n as she sat on her desk. Now that Y/n mom mentioned the anxiety disorder it had clicked in Y/n's head why she has been freaking out all morning.
"So you wanted to talk?" Anna said as Y/n looked at the beautiful blonde in front of her. Y/n smiled but deep inside was petrified. She didn't want this to end badly. That's the last thing Y/n wants when starting her fresh start with Anna. Messing it all up because of a short film that she made in secret from Anna. Mainly because four months before they broke up she was gonna tell her then give her a promise ring.

Y/n cleared her throat before she attempted to talk. When she tried all that came out was noises. Y/n paused as Anna looked at her confused. What was so important that Y/n had to talk about. Did she over think everything last night. Does she not want to try anymore? Did Anna falling asleep in her arms mess up everything? Anna's mind almost started spiraling when she took a deep breathe. She is better than past her. She wouldn't let her thoughts take her down. She will be the better person. She promised she would be.

Y/n pov

I took a moment to bring myself together. It was hard knowing that this could change everything. But I have to tell her. Anna held my hand making me zone back in from my thoughts.
"It's ok Y/n. Whatever it is you can tell me." I nodded taking a quick deep breath. I breathed out slowly as Anna smiled. Here goes nothing.

"So since highshool or even before that I loved film as you know. Photography is my love but film is something I have always wanted to try. When we were in highschool going through our odd relationship at the time I wrote a story about us. I did this up until a month before our breakup. I told my manager I had a short film and to pitch it to a few companies. So while we broke up I kept getting my idea rejected. The one that hurt the most was Netflix. I hoped they would've taken it. But I got a call after dropping you off last night." I said taking a moment for Anna to process everything. It was alot to take in. Not to mention I was speaking very quickly because I was anxious.

"My film was taken by HBO max. They want me to start filming ans continue the story when we get back in January. I was so excited last night until I forgot one minor detail. I never told you about this. The reason for that was because this was gonna be a gift to you... with a promise ring. The idea was for us to be in the film as ourselves and show how two best friends who flirted all through out highschool turned into lovers. I have been so nervous to tell you since we just spoke literally 12 hours ago about us trying again. I don't want to fuck this up. So if you don't want me to do it I will tell them to call it off and-"

Before I could finish babbling like a idiot I felt Anna kiss me. I paused as neither of us have had eachother like this in a year. I kissed her back slowly and passionately as I put my hands on her neck and waist. Her hands rested on my cheeks as she kissed me back with the same passion. Butterflies were soaring around in my stomach. My heart I could feel beating out of my chest. It was like she was fixing it after many heart breaks. But my heart was never broken in the first place. Just wilted and pale from sadness. I gently pulled away feeling Anna do the same.

I rested my forehead against hers as her hands looped around my neck. I sighed as our lips were red.
"Holy shit." We said at the same time. We giggled as I looked up into her eyes. I felt her play with the hair on the back of my head as I stared at the ocean filled eyes staring into my Y/e/c eyes.
"So I'm guessing from that which was amazing by the way that you don't mind if I do this?" Anna looked at me smiling. Her smile has never failed to lighten up my day. That smile can make me smile on my worst days.
"Y/n you are one of the most talented people I know. You love photography like it is your own child. You love film the same way don't deny it. I would love to see what you can really do. And I will be there every step of the way. No matter what we end up as." Anna said softly as I held her waist. I sat on my desk looking at Anna as she was standing and smiling at me. I just took a moment to stare at her.

"You know no one in my family knows. I would like to keep it that way so when I come back for Easter they can be surprised." Anna giggled as she agreed. We just sat there letting the moment resonate with us. We were here together in this moment. And nothing could pull us away from it. I suddenly felt my phone go off in my pocket seeing a facetime from Carson. I answered as Anna sat next to me. I saw Carson sitting in Kadences car drinking coffee as Kadence was chugging a redbull.
"What's up Care bear?" I heard Anna say as Carson was about to talk. Carson stopped setting her phone up looking at the phone.
"First off Hi Anna the banana. Second you have a anxiety disorder?" I looked at Carson confused as she set her phone up on Kadences dashboard. Anna turned to me confused as well.

I sat there thinking trying to word this properly. I didn't wanna say 'yeah because of the car accident so I have terrible driving anxiety and get anxious when someone too drunk comes up to me.' I didn't want to approach it that way.
"So basically when me and Anna broke up I was driving to canes with Kennedy. I was stopped at a red-light when some dickbag swerved into the lane next to mine. Instead of having road rage like I usually do I had a terrible anxiety attack and could not move. Kennedy had to move me to the passenger side and drive me to a hospital. I was paralyzed from my anxiety and wasn't breathing. I got tested when they asked if I had and mental health issues in my family. I told them about how dad has a terrible anxiety disorder. I got tested for it then went on my way. About a month later I was brought back saying I had it mildly and was given medication for it."

Carson nodded taking a sip of her coffee as Kadence snapped her fingers. I felt Anna rub my back knowing I had this since we spoke in LA about it. It must've slipped her mind.
"So that's why you told mom about it before Kaden went to the hospital." I nodded as Anna and Carson both looked at Carson.
"KADENS IN THE HOSPITAL?" Kadence went to drink her redbull to not talk when she realized it was empty. I smiled knowing she picked that up from me.
"He had a panic attack when he woke up this morning. Went to get a drink. When Y/n broke down his door he had a gash on his head and a tore up hand. He also was knocked out. My guess is he tripped making him smash the glass to his head giving him a minor concussion causing him to have some spasms to cut his hand up." I looked at Kadence as Carson ans Anna looked at her as well. I checked the time seeing we had to get to Emmis. I took Anna's hand walking out hearing Carson speak.
"Yeah and why do you think that's what happened?" Kadence curled up in her seat looking out the window.
"Because I wanted to put in a story of mine." I chuckled saying a goodbye to them ans hung up. I slipped my shoes on as Anna did the same.

"Ya know. You could've told them about the drunk people too." I sighed as we climbed into my car. I started driving to Emmis explaining.
"It's only a certain scenario that you don't even know. I only told you drunk people because I didn't wanna relive the moment." Anna held my hand rubbing her thumb against my hand.
"I understand beb. Don't worry. Let's just destress with some shopping on your dad's debit card." I shook my head as Anna turned up the song. I looked over at her as this exact song was the one I was gonna put to us that one night. The one before LA. Before tiktok. Just us and the stars.

Of course the song is Dandelions.

One of her favorites.

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