☁️ Under the Sunset, Under the Stars || Beigguang

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It was 4:00 in the afternoon, beidou laying in her bed, music blasting from her phone through her earphones. 'Fuck being in love,' she thought silently. Tears threatened to spill, despite the empty feeling in her chest and the bored expression on her face.

Eventually, the pirate had gotten tired of doing nothing. With a shaky breath, she picked up her phone, paused her music, and opened a certain someone's contact. "Ning-bling," she read the contact name aloud, chucking at the childish nickname. She hesitated, before preasing the phone icon, connecting a video call.


A smooth, elegant voice spoke on the other end.

"...Beidou? Did you need something?"

The said woman coughed slightly, clearing her throat before speaking.

"Ah- sorry, Ning. I was just, uh-"

She calmed herself down before continuing.

"I was wondering if... You wanted to meet up?"

The woman on the other end was caught off gaurd. "Ningguang, are you there..?" "Oh- ah, yes. That- that would be most delightful." Her response had brought a smile out of the brunette. "Great! 7:00pm today?" A rosy dust had covered the alcoholic's cheeks.

"Of course, that works."


Two and a half hours had passed. Beidou had already left for their so called 'hangout'. Despite walking so confidently, her brain couldn't have been more crowded. 'What if she thinks I look weird? What if I act weird? What if she finds out how I think about her??"

Her black leather pants and red biker's jacket complimented her white cropped-top greatly, as her rich chocolate-coloured hair swayed in the wind. Her spiraling thoughts were interrupted as a rather familiar voice spoke up.


"Ah- Ningguang!"

The two had pink hues radiating from each of them.

"I- I didn't expect to catch you on your way, Ning!"

The brunette chuckled nervously.

"I could say the same to you."

"Well, glad you didn't ditch me, princess~"

The comment made the elegant lady scoff, a small smile accompanied her expression as her eyes rolled. "I'm starting to wish I did, captain." The two broke out in giggles, giving each other the same loving expressions, before the more elegant of the two broke the stare with a cough. "We should uh- we should get going, yes?"

"ah, you're right!"

They walked together in silence. A very... Awkward silence. The pirate sighed in relief when they had reached their destination, their usual hangout spot. It was a little area shaded by a beautiul red and orange tree, ponds surrounding the calm space. The blonde sat down, as did the other.

"...I brought snacks," the brunette spoke. The other woman perked up at the mention of snacks, making the former chuckle. The sunset had casted pink and orange hues upon them, their gazes locked onto each other as the sky changed colours.


Hours had passed, as they spoke about nearly everything that came to mind. The golden watch on Ningguang's pale wrist had now displayed the time 11:00. In the night, that is.


A voice spoke up, sounding all too nervous to be the famously overconfident pirate everyone knows and loves. Despite this fact, Ningguang responded with a curious gaze. "Hm? Is something wrong?" The brunette hesitated, going over the pros and cons in her head.

"I- I have something to tell you." The blonde felt her chest tighten, a sense of nervousness slowly finding its way to mind.

"W-what is it, Beidou..?"



"I love you."


"Ningguang..? I'm sorry, I- "

Tears, once again, threatened to spill. "I love you too, captain." "...What?" The other chuckled. "I said I love you too, you idiot." The brunette now sported a shit-eating grin.

"I- Oh my gosh, finally- I love you, so much, Ning..."

The blonde giggled, wearing a closed-eye smile.

A small kiss was planted upon the pirate's cheek. The two looked at each other once more with looks that portrayed their exact emotions. Love, and bliss. The stars were their only sources of light, the moon hidden behind beautiful fluffy trees. The night went on, the two not leaving their spot, letting themselves deal with the tiredness the next day. They didn't need to deal with it at the moment, no.

For now, all they needed,

were each other.


Hello again! 714 words not including this. This, once again, was not a request. Please don't be shy to request, and please don't be shy to interact! I absolutely loved reading comments I'd get on my past books, and would love to read some on here as well. As always, thank you for reading!

-Clay <3

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