The Beginning

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        Starting Hogwarts was Ari's dream. Hearing her older brother's stories of the magical castle was all Ari thought of, and wanted to hear about during breaks when he was home. It was safe to say Ari worshiped her brother, who was older than her by 2 years. As she was boarding the train,

"Ari I am going to find a few of my mates alright? You've got nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll make it into Ravenclaw like the rest of the family. Love ya little sista!" Bennet called as he trotted off to find his mates.

With this Ari wandered the scarlet train for a while, looking for an empty compartment. Finally she found one with two red headed boys, and another boy. They seemed to be laughing and having a good time, so she quietly opened the compartment door.

"HI, I'm Ari, you guys don't mind if I sit here? I'm having a hard time finding a compartment..." she trails off shyly.

"Bloody hell, are you all triplets?" the other boy cried out.

"What? No, we've never seen this girl before, besides all we've got is red hair in common, and her's is way darker than ours!" one of the red head boys cried out.

The other laughed and said "Fred, Fred Weasley! That's my twin George, we're first years!"

"I'm Lee, first year too!" the other boy said, while George waved awkwardly.

"Well what house are you hoping for? My whole family, brother, Mum, and Dad have been in Ravenclaw so that's where they expect me to go, but I am not sure I am quite smart enough for all that!" Ari explained about herself.

"Well, I reckon our mum would think it'd be a crime if we didn't make it into Gryffindor! All our brother's and really the whole family has been there!" George exclaimed.

"I'm a muggle born, but I reckon I want to be where the twins go!" Lee quickly followed.

"I think that would be great, but I am not so sure I am brave enough to go there, I'll probably end up an embarrassment in Hufflepuff," she told them worriedly.

"Nonsense! You were brave enough to come in here and make us friends! You'll totally go to Gryffindor with us!" Fred told her excitedly. This caused Ari to smile brightly.

"Say, you never told us your last name, you come from a wizarding family though?" George asked. At this Ari paled worried they would be pureblood extremists.

"Ah, well yes, my dad is a Delacour, but chose to go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons unlike his older brother, and my mum is a muggleborn. My real name is Arcene Delacour! It's very French, hence why you should call me Ari!" She hoped at least with such a powerful and rich last name, even if they were extremists they would not hex her for being a halfblood.

"Wicked!" the twins said at the same time. She felt some relief at that. 

They spent the rest of the train ride playing exploding snaps and eating chocolate frogs. As they arrived at Hogwarts, they all got into a boat together getting to know each other better. They came into the Great Hall, with a breathtaking view of the night sky. Both twins and Lee were sorted into Gryffindor. Ari was so nervous, knowing the three friends she just made would likely not last as she would not make it into the house of bravery. As she stepped up and sat on the stool, the hat placed on her head.

Another Delacour? You aren't quite like your family? Not nearly as driven to learn, you enjoy being yourself hmm?

Well hat, sir, yes. I like being different. I would like to be in Gryffindor with my friends.

Well, bold of you to ask. Are you not worried about what your family will think? No matter then, GRYFFINDOR!

She lit up and jumped up with a squeal as she ran to the red and gold table, where the twins pulled her into a hug.

"Blimey Ari! You made it with us! We've got to stick together now! We were going to hate pranking you if you ended up in another house!" Fred exclaimed, she was sure it was Fred, his eyes were lighter, and his hair a little messier. She smiled up at him and gave another hug. As she was celebrating with them, she caught sight of her brother. He looked incredibly shocked. She smiled at him once she caught his eye but he just shook his head. Her stomach dropped. Her brother was upset with her.

Another older ginger boy came over to them.

"Congratulations Fred and George! Mum will be pleased you made it into the best house!" The boy said.

On the way up to the tower there was a brief explanation of the general rules and working of the castle. 

an Hi! First chapter, working on the second! Let me know what you guys think! This is going to end up a fred weasley fan fic, but will be slow burn for the first little bit

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