Chapter Five

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Summer was here, and Ari was setting back into her family home. Bennet and her father really didn't speak to her. Her mother spent plenty of time with her daughter. Maybe a little to much time. She loved her mother, but she spent a lot of time with her the last week.

Finally she was going to drop by the Weasley's today. She missed them terribly. They had been the only people besides Lee she had really spoken to for the last year. She had gotten permission from her mum, and she had wrote Fred to let him know to expect her. She was beyond excited.

She grabbed her Floo Powder and yelled for The Burrow.

She quickly stepped into the green flames and was spun around, until she was spat out into a living room. There was a young girl on the couch, sitting with Molly.

"Oh, hello dear, I wasn't sure what time you'd be by. The twins are out in the garden I believe." She told Ari kindly. Ari told her thank you before taking off to where she hoped was the garden.

"Oi! Ari! You're here a bit early yeah?" George called, him being the first to see her.

"Oh I'm only here for a day, my mum finally got done smothering me," Ari informed

"Is your brother still being a total git?" Fred asked, a note of concern overtaking his voice.

"Well he's not being mean anymore, but I reckon he knows mum would have his head if he were. He isn't talking to me though, so I'm not so sure if that isn't worse..." she trailed off thinking.

"Well, no matter! You've got us! And you're here to be happy, not sad!" Fred quickly said to try to cheer her up. She smiled at the attempt.

"Well, I assume you two have thought of some big plans for us to accomplish?" She asked with a devilish grin. 

They had all gathered for lunch, Ari sat between the twins, across from her was the twins very sweet younger sister Ginny, then Ron directly across, and Charlie, their second oldest brother on the other side of Ron. The other side of Fred, Bill sat, then Molly was setting lunch out on the table, when she asked the fateful question;

"Where is Percy?" 

Before anyone could answer....

"MUM! THE TWINS AND THEIR LITTLE FRIEND HAVE DYED MY HAIR PINK!!!" Percy shrilled running down the stairs. 

Bill and Charlie instantly started laughing. 

"Merlin! You two went to school and found yourselves a triplet! She's got red hair, granted its a lot darker! But still!" Charlie wheezed out. 

Molly looked like she wanted to be amused but was trying to be stern, lecturing the twins. 

"Now you two! You do not need to be getting Ari in trouble! I can not believe you two would wrap her up in your shenanigans!" Molly started to scold until Percy emerged from the stairs. 

She did a double take, trying not to laugh still. They didn't just get his hair, but also his eyebrows a very bright, nearly fluorescent shade of pink. 

"Oh mum! It is very impressive! Besides, I doubt Ari is nearly as innocent as you think," Bill finally was able to get out after his laughter died down. Molly huffed, but lunch continued, with Ari getting to know the family much better, wishing her own was half as lively. 

Back out in the garden, the twins and she were having a good laugh about Percy. They were telling her the story of the time when they were much younger and they turned Ron's teddy bear into a spider, giving him a life long fear.  

Evening was getting near, and Ari knew she was needing to head home soon. This saddened her greatly. She loved The Burrow. It was so full of love and laughter. Two things her own home certainly was not full of. Fred and George must have been able to see her thoughts on her face because they immediately started trying to cheer her up. Promising she could come back as early as tomorrow, or did not even have to leave at all. She smiled, but knew she did in fact have to return home if she liked living much. 

"I will miss you guys! I'll be back in a week or two, and then it will be two weeks until I stay for the rest of the summer!" she told them reassuringly. 

The twins nodded, and wished her a goodbye and to be careful. On her way out of the fireplace, Molly did the same. 

a/n defintely a shorter chapter. I have been reading some fred fics because I am in love with him clearly. The Delia book on here and the two Falter books were really good, but it has made me heartbroken. There is also a short book dear fred that is absolutely heartbreaking, it is post war and fred girlfriend is writing him letters, cried through the entire thing. 

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