Chapter Two

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Ari was even more glum as break started and she stayed at Hogwarts, the place was practically empty.

Fred and George stayed behind with her, while Lee went home to see his parents. 

The girl's bright blue eyes were always red from crying it seemed. She used to worship her brother, and now he hated her. Her father hadn't wrote her once. Only her mother still spoke to her. To say she was heartbroken would be an understatement. 

The only reason she hadn't completely broke down, were her twins. They were the only two in their dorm over break, so she spent most nights there with them, they had four beds, and pushed them all together and would lay our across them until they passed out from laughing or while playing some game well into the night. Luckily Angelina and Alicia had went home so no on questioned where she was at night. 

Christmas day finally came. She woke up to a small pile of presents at the foot of the beds addressed to her. She quickly woke up the twins, excitedly.

Her mother sent a necklace with a small lion as the charm. Her father sent her a matching bracelet with no note, but at least it was a start to him accepting her new house and life. She smiled at it, though there was nothing from Bennet. She frowned at that. She finally got to the lumpy package and opened it. 

It was a navy sweater with a white "A" knitted in the front. She creased her brows, until she saw the note 

Ari, I hear so much about you in letters from Fred and George. I'll need to meet you soon! Love Molly

"Mum sent you a Weasley sweater! You're family now Ari!" George stated. It nearly brought tears to her eyes! She quickly wrapped them both in a huge hug, before pulling the sweater on over the tshirt she was wearing. 

"Oh thank you guys! You're mum is the best!" she cried before hugging them again. 

The boys both put on their sweaters before heading down to the Great Hall, where they met Charlie and Percy, also wearing sweaters. They all sat together talking and laughing. 

"I see mum has made you an official part of the family then!" Charlie laughed out, causing Ari to smile wide. 

"Yes! I think this is the best gift I have ever received from anyone! " she told him with a toothy grin. 

Break ended all to soon as the teachers began assigning more homework to prepare them for the upcoming exams. The workload got bigger by the day, but the twins didn't mind, they were really not the academic type and didn't care. Lee put in a small amount of effort more than the twins. Ari made sure to stay on top of things and keep herself straight. Her parents may tolerate a different house, but they would not accept poor grades. 

She was proud to say she was doing better than most of the Ravenclaws in her year. She was certainly one of the top witches in her year. 

"Oi, Ari!" Lee called as she entered the common room. The twins also waved once they saw her look their direction. She smiled and headed that way. 

"Hey boys!" she states as she sat down, tossing her bag on the ground in front of her. She leaned over and placed her head on Lee's lap as she looked at the twins on the couch opposite of her. 

"So, I have this brilliant idea for pranking Filch. Why don't we throw a load of dungbombs into his office late at night!" George said with a gleam in his eyes. Ari smiled. 

"I'm in, tonight?" she suggested, earning a grin from the twins. 

"That is what I am talking about!" Fred told her. 

"Ay, think we could manage to sneak into the Ravenclaw tower and throw some on your brother?" Lee asked after some thought. 

"Well, the way in is to answer a riddle, so as long as we go in late enough that no one is awake, I think we could!" Ari informed them

The crew were sprinting away from Filch's office and were heading up the stairs to Ravenclaw tower when they saw a particular cat. 

"Bullocks. We'll be caught now. Bloody cat!" George grumbled. 

"There! Let's duck into that closet! Quick!" Ari grabbed two by the wrists. 

The boys had definitely grown since the beginning of the year. The four of them were a tight squeeze. 

"When do you think it will be safe?" Fred whispered, practically in her ear. She held her finger to her lips as she heard footsteps approach. 

"Mrs. Norris, I don't see anyone!" Filch grumbled as he drug his feet down the hall. They could faintly hear him trudge back down the steps. 

They all let out a collective breath of relief. They didn't get caught. Yet. 

"Alright, let's save my brother for another night, yeah?" Ari huffed, her heart still racing. The boys all nodded along in agreement, slinking back to Gryffindor Tower. 

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