Justice is not served (Jin Bday special)#2

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"Dear, do you want some more?" Jin's mother says to him as he was eating his breakfast.

Jin: "No, mom. I am already full." he says and gets up, "Pray for me."

"I always do dear! Best of luck. I hope you make us proud."

Jin grabs his bag and heads out. Today he is going to be hired as a lawyer officially. It's a special day for him. Because he always wanted to be a lawyer and serve justice to normal, ordinary helpless people who don't have anyone to fight for them, to support them.

Everything went smoothly. He got the job at Jus law firm. He even got his first case as an attorney. He couldn't ask for more. Everything was going the way he wanted.

6 months later:

Jin was checking his case papers while his father calls for him. He goes to his father.

Jin: "Oh! You are finally back!"

"Yeah. Sorry son, I was away when you were on your way with your career. I should've been there with you. You could've contacted me though, I could've get you into bigger law firm."

"There was no need. I am okay with this one."

"Haha, my son sure become happy with little things. But son...always aim for the highest okay? You have a father like me by your side, so never worry okay?"

"Thank you, father! I will keep your words in mind."

"So? Do you have any cases on your hand?"

Jin's eyes glow with excitement, "You know what father?! I am trying to fight the abandoned cases, which was buried for ages for some reason."

Jin was very excited to tell his father this, but his father didn't seem so happy. He pulls of a fake smile, "So, what case you are fighting now?"

Jin's smile disappears seeing his father's face, "L-let me bring the papers."

Why is he not happy with my decision?! I am helping people!

He goes to his room and brings the paper.

Jin: "It's a case from 6 months ago. It's a murder case. A fifteen years old boy murdered his father," He says as he observes his father's facial expression, "There was an eyewitness who was the same age as him and he gave his testimony. The suspect didn't say anything on his own behalf so eventually, the case got buried. But I think the child didn't kill his father. So I decided to fight his case."

Jin's father doesn't even have the fake smile he had a moment ago. "And who's gonna pay you? I bet the boy has no one."

"I don't need payment father. I already have enough property!"

"So you're telling me, just because you born to a rich family and you have a rich father by your side, you won't earn and let your skill go waste in those stupid cases? I agreed to you become a lawyer because our family needed one, not those!"

"But, we already have a lawyer! Trustable experienced lawyer. Besides, I am a criminal lawyer father!"

"I don't want to hear any excuse. Drop this case and that's final."

Jin looks down, "I won't."


"I said- I won't."

"What do you mean by you won't?"

"I am a lawyer father," he says in professionally calm voice, "You think I didn't notice? The way your face changed when I talked about this particular case? I am experienced enough to understand people's expression. Besides, I already started to gather information. The only witness is Park Jimin, who is the son of great businessman and your business partner, Mr. Park right? Your words just added fuels to my suspicion. Tell me, are you the one who buried the case?"

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