16. return of the sunrise cafe

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Leeseo from IVE is in the chapter.
I love eleven so much!
Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
(¬ε ლ)
Author's POV

The last time Jay went outside
was when him and Ni-Ki
were revealed to be dating.
Ni-Ki has been trying to persuade
the older to go out somewhere
with him, maybe to have dinner
or just get out of the apartment.

We all know Jay has a soft
spot for the younger,
but he somehow said no.
Ni-Ki does understand why
the older is acting like this.
Jay does feel bad though.

Ni-Ki had only started
working again a few days ago.
No one really knows exactly
how is dating Jay.
All the people have is a photo
of Jay kissing someone
whose back was to the camera.

At the moment, Jay was baking...
that's a new hobby of his.
He was baking muffins!
Ni-Ki asked him to make
blueberry muffins.

Jay finished a few minutes ago,
he took them out of the oven
and is now letting them cool.
Remember when I said that
Jay felt bad about saying no
to going out with Ni-Ki?
Jay is planning to surprise
Ni-Ki at the convenience store!
Somewhere he hasn't gone to
in a while.

Jay is doing this to make
up with the younger.
He didn't do anything to upset
the latter, he feels the need
to say sorry.

He's spent about 10 minutes
waiting for the muffins to cool down now.
Jay then took a plastic box
from the cupboard and placed
all 8 muffins which he made, inside.

So you'd expect him to wear a mask
outside, but he's not doing that.
He is going to be brave and
go out with everyone on the streets
knowing who he is!
Jay doesn't care anymore.

Once Jay had everything he needed,
he walked out those doors
like the confident person he was!
Only to hide behind the plastic
box when walking past people...
Ok, maybe he wasn't as brave
as he wanted to be.

Jay soon got to the convenience store,
he opened the door making the
bell ding. He stepped inside
and saw a few customers.
Heeseung and Sunghoon
both focused on some random shelf.
The one female worker,
Doyun, was helping out a patron. 

Jay actually didn't notice Ni-Ki.
The younger could be in the staff room.
Jay couldn't just walk in the staff room.

He was trying to get Sunghoon's attention,
but he and Heeseung were too
invested into the shelf. 
Jay honestly wasn't interested
in knowing why.

Jay then felt a tap on his shoulder.
He turned around and saw
a lovely surprise.
Jay exclaimed,
hugging the younger.
"Hi hyung! What are you doing here?"
Ni-Ki asked, once they
both let go of the hug.

"I made muffins!
I wanted to come and
give you them here!"
"Thank you!"
Ni-Ki had a wide,
bright smile.

Jay admired the Ni-Ki as
he opened the lid of
the box and took out a muffin.
Ni-Ki took a big bite out of the muffin
and had a satisfied expression

Ni-Ki couldn't stop nodding
in excitement.
Jay grinned and grabbed
a blueberry muffin.
Which he happily ate.

They kept on talking
more and more.
Soon it was time for
Ni-Ki to get to work.
"I'll see you later,"
Ni-Ki said, hugging the older.
Jay hugged him back
and then walked out of
the store.

Jay has been cooped up in
that apartment for quite a bit of time.
I don't think he would want
to go back, at least, not right now.
Jay then walked down the street
until he saw the famous,
one and only, Sunrise Cafe.

Jay of course had to go in,
even if it was only for a
few minutes.
Jay walked in and sat
down at a table which
was right beside a window.

He ordered a little cappuccino.
After a few minutes of waiting,
Jay was given his cappuccino.
The waitress which handed him
his order stopped themself
from walking away after
seeing his face.

"Are you Park Jongseong?"
Jay looked up at the person,
it was a female.
Though the girl looked
extremely young too.
"Uhh...yeah, I guess..."
"Wow! Everyone thought you,
like, disappeared,"
the girl said.

Jay awkwardly laughed.
"Well, I just wanted to stay
home for a little while."
Jay cleared his throat as he talked.
"Oh, well, nice to meet you!
I'm Lee Hyunseo, but everyone
here just calls me Leeseo,"
the girl, Leeseo, said.

Jay grinned. 
"Hello, Leeseo."
"Great! It was nice to meet you!
I've gotta get back to work,

Leeseo walked away
towards the counter.
Jay let out a heavy sigh
and took a sip of his drink.
Author's POV

It was about 9:30 pm.
A late night for
Ni-Ki at work.
He hates it when he
has to stay out later than usual,
but he's gotta do it sometimes.

Though Ni-Ki had finally closed,
turned off the lights
and left the store, he still
had to walk in the dark streets.
He had his phone light
so he was fine.

Jay was doing just fine
back at the apartment.
He was on the couch,
about to fall asleep.
Jay's eyes slowly started close
but then opened widely at the
sound of the front door
opening then shutting.

Jay instantly sat up and saw
Ni-Ki taking off his
shoes at the door.
Jay sighed and softly smiled
once the younger faced him.

Ni-Ki said, walking
up to the older.
"Did I wake you?"
Ni-Ki asked, noticing that
the older looked really tired.

"No, you didn't. I almost
fell asleep but you came in
before I did dozed-off,"
Jay explained.
"Ah, ok."
Ni-Ki nodded his head
and gave Jay a peck on the lips.

"What are you watching?"
Ni-Ki asked Jay, while he
was walking into the kitchen.
"Um...I am watching a movie called
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum,"
Jay replied with.

"Isn't that a horror movie?"
Ni-Ki looked back at
the older with his eye brows

A ring from Jay's phone
interrupted Ni-Ki from
continuing his sentence.
Jay grabbed his phone
and saw his father's number!

"It's my dad!"
Jay whisper-yelled.
Ni-Ki was appalled.

The younger ran to the couch
and sat next to Jay,
legs criss-crossed.
"Answer it!"
Ni-Ki whispered.

Jay bit his lip then
picked up the call.

Fun Fact: The bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal in the world...
I looked up bumblebee bat and they
are definitely tiny.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1126

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