Chapter One

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Nobody's POV

"Oi Y/N-chan" a familiar voice called towards her. She saw the tall delinquent running towards her at the ends of the school gates. "H-hey" he puffed from his attempt to catch her before she headed home.

"Ah Shinichiro what's up?" She casually said, the truth was, Y/N had a huge crush on the tall dark haired boy but she chose their friendship over her heart. Not only had they been friends since they were kids but she also baby sat his younger siblings from time to time and she didn't want to complicate things more by some pesky high school feelings. "Wait up for me! Let's hang out I need some help with homework" he said, Y/N rolled her eyes "Shinichiro I told you to stop cutting class if you would just stay in class you wouldn't have these issues" she sighed. Shinichiro flashed her a cheeky grin knowing his best friend would cave in to his request "whatever let's go" she sighed giving in. How could she say no? Studying with Shinichiro was one of the best things in the world, seeing him completely focused and his cute little frowns when he didn't understand anything, it never failed to make her heart skip a beat.

Y/N and Shinichiro reached his house and Y/N took her their books to study. "Ah wait! Can't we at least snack for a bit?" Shinichiro said following with his stomach grumbling Y/N laughed at the tall boy "you know if you'd actually came to lunch today instead of letting me sit alone you could of had some of my bento box" she shook her head.

Shinichiro always forgot to pack his food for school, he was so busy in the mornings packing Emma and Mikey's lunches that he never had enough time to remember his share. And Y/N, she always knew this. It had become their daily lunch routine, him taking from hers, it was to the point where Y/N would purposely pack more than enough for herself just to give Shinichiro something for lunch but that day he never showed up for lunch.

"Well I'm sorry I had delinquent things to handle" he said flicking his hair, "you mean you confessed to another girl and she rejected you for Wasaka?" She snickered, Shinichiro was infamous for getting rejected due to his friends being better looking than him but Y/N never found them quite as attractive as Shinichiro. "If only it were me" she said to herself in her head. At first it had pained her to hear Shinichiro talk about other girls but eventually she learned to get over it. After all he was her best friend before he was her crush and she never wanted to severe the years of friendship, losing Shinichiro as a friend was not a game she was willing to gamble.

"Ah whatever I don't want to talk about it!" Shinichiro said scrubbing his head making his cheesy delinquent hairstyle fall flat. Y/N loved the sight of Shinichiro's natural hair, the way it delicately fell on his face always made her cheeks  turn red and sure enough her cheeks were rosy and warm. "Hey are you sick or something? Your face is like a tomato right now" Shinichiro said grabbing a bag of chips. "N-no I'm not sick you idiot! Hurry up so we can study" she scolded the boy, he was rummaging through the cabinets opening and closing them multiple times trying to stall time avoiding his homework duties. Shinichiro sighed and sat next to Y/N at the coffee table finally studying like he had invited her to come over for.

"Shinichiro~" a small voice called for her big brother "Emma-chan, how was school today?" He asked placing the little girl on his lap "school was fun! I got to play a lot on the playground but Manjiro wouldn't play with me!" She said pointing at the little boy who was a spitting image of Shinichiro but with blonde hair. He was making funny faces at his younger sister sticking out his tongue. "Manjiro" Shinichiro sternly said causing the boy to tense up "take care of your sister at school okay" he scolded the little boy frowned "no! I don't like playing with girls I want to fight with the other boys and every time I punch Emma she cries!" He said back Y/N giggled at the cuteness of the sibling bond. It was almost like Shinichiro was in complete dad mode. "Y/N-Ne san! Do you not have a home? You're always over" Manjiro said, Y/N was taken aback by his question but not surprised because the little boy definitely had a feisty attitude. "Mikey!" Shinichiro said bonking his younger brother's head. Manjiro stuck his tongue out at Shinichiro and ran upstairs before getting caught by him.

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