Chapter Five

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Nobody's POV

It had been 7 years since Shinichiro was accidentally murdered. Y/N held no hatred in her heart towards Mikey's friends because she knew that wasn't what Shinichiro would wanted for her to do. He was so kind hearted and pure that he would have easily forgiven anybody.

Y/N gave birth just 3 months after Shinichiro's death to a beautiful baby boy who was the spitting image of his father and was now 6 years old. She named him 'Shin' after 'Shinichiro'. He was everything Shinichiro would of wanted in a son, calm and good hearted like him but studious and smart like his mother. Shinichiro's family frequently visited Y/N and Shin often times bringing gifts for the both of them. They loved Y/N as their own daughter even after Shinichiro's murder because they knew how much Shinichiro loved Y/N and how much Y/N loved him. She was a part of their family and they all just adored Shin because he was so much like his father.

Y/N had signed the shop over to Mikey to ensure the shop Shinichiro loved so much was kept alive in his memory. He always said that if he had to choose somewhere to die it would be his shop because he put his blood sweat and tears into it. Y/N found that ironic. She had moved herself and Shin to a nicer area working hard as a single mother and a widow. Although it had been years since Shinichiro had passed, she never found love again. In her eyes there was nobody but Shinichiro and she wouldn't accept anybody else unless it was Shinichiro. She had created a new business that was doing quite well, Shinichiro's parents also had signed all his wealth over to her and any of his offsprings which also helped them a lot during tough times. It wasn't always easy for her but seeing her son's bright smile every day made her want to hustle even harder to provide for him.

"Shin come on let's go" Y/N called for her son who was playing with his toys. "Okay mama!" The young boy said running to his mom giving her a big hug. "My my you're getting so big mommy can barely lift you up!" She said spinning her son in a circle while holding him. He let out a cute giggle and wobbled from the dizziness when she put him down. "You are too silly Mr. Shin! Come on now let's go your uncles and aunties are all waiting for you" she said pinching his nose. It was the 5th year anniversary of Shinichiro's death, Y/N kept Shinichiro involved in Shin's life by telling him as many stories of his dad as she could and telling Shin how wonderful and brave his dad was. "Mama this photo of you is so pretty did daddy take it?" He asked holding up the photo he took of her with the goldfish Y/N smiled reminiscing at the memories "yes he did and look here is your daddy right here in this picture" she smiled pointing at the photo of Shinichiro next to hers. The little boy smiled with glee "He looks like me!" He happily said Y/N chuckled "yes he does, why don't you take the picture book with us in the car on our way okay?" She smiled the little boy nodded his head pressing the same photo album to his chest.

They had reached the grave site where Shinichiro was put to rest and everybody started to sniffle. "Y/N" Emma said giving her sister in law a warm hug "hello Shin" she said squeezing the boy in her embrace "Hi auntie Emma can you let go please" he dramatically said playing dead in her arms. "Uncle Mikey!" Shin said wrangling his way out of Emma's arms running to his uncle giving him a big hug. "Hi kiddo how've your been?" He asked patting his nephew's head "awe no fair Shinichiro purposely made Shin like Mikey I just know he's in heaven plotting against me!" Emma complained laughing. Shin quickly ran back to his mother's side and held her hand "mommy can we watch the sunset later?" He asked her Y/N smiled "of course we can, but after you eat okay?" She said giving her son a kiss on the cheek.

"Shin..." Mikey said looking at his brother's grave. "I wish I could turn back time" he cried, Shinichiro's death was extremely hard on Mikey because Mikey idolized his other brother so much. He adored him to bits and pieces and Shinichiro adored him just as much maybe even more. "I'm taking care of your wife and your son, he looks exactly like you" Mikey softly smiled looking back at Shin. "But he's better" Mikey said cracking a joke to lighten the mood placing flowers on his stone, "Shinichiro we miss you so much we all do and not a day goes by where we don't think of you. Thank you for bringing Shin and Y/N into our lives we love them and we see why you love Y/N so much" Emma said smiling back at her sister in law. "Rest easy big brother" she said placing a candle down.

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