Chapter Two

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Nobody's POV

"Be my girlfriend, actually no scratch that. Be mine forever" Shinichiro bluntly asked Y/N. She was completely stunned "Shinichiro. Do you know how long I've loved you for?" She asked him "I only finally got it today" he admitted immediately feeling back as he had many times drooled over other girls in front of Y/N.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you had feelings for me this whole time, I'm a complete idiot for not knowing" he shamefully said Y/N flicked his forehead "you are an idiot" she said softly gazing into his eyes. Shinichiro felt his heart skip a beat at her facial features "you know Emma has been asking me when we're going to get married" Shinichiro chuckled. Y/N laughed as Shinichiro embraced her, "marry me" he said Y/N was startled by his sudden confession and proposal "you idiot we're only 16!" She yelled at him Shinichiro laughed "in the future promise me we'll grow old and wrinkly together" he smiled planting a kiss on her forehead "okay I promise" she said smiling while closing her eyes.

Her felt was filled with joy, Shinichiro was the absolute complete package. He was handsome and sweet. "Well since you're officially my girlfriend now how about a date?" He asked smiling Y/N's eyes opened wide "Really?" She beamed making Shinichiro's heart do a flip. "Mmm tomorrow is the annual Sakura lantern festival let's go?" He said holding up two tickets he managed to buy while he was cutting school. Y/N smiled "can we wear yukatas!" She eagerly asked Shinichiro couldn't turn down the adorable girl in front of him so he nodded his head. "I'll pick you up at your place okay?" He smiled.

The next night had come and Shinichiro had gotten ready to pick up Y/N from her house. He put on his black and grey yukata and grabbed his keys. "Bye honey have fun and say hello to Y/N for me!" His mom called out to her son. "Awww Mama I wanna go too! I want dorayaki" Mikey pouted their mom gently smiled at him "we can make some at home okay? Mama's tastes better don't they?" She said stroking Mikey's head Mikey's expression lightened up "Bye bye Shinichiro no dorayaki for you" he said sticking his tongue out at his elder brother. Shinichiro laughed at his little brother's adorable expressions and got on his motorcycle.

"Shinichiro!" Y/N smiled while walking out of her house. She was wearing a beautiful light pink floral yukata with her hair neatly tied in a traditional updo. Shinichiro felt his face glow red "y-you look beautiful" he complimented her Y/N smiled softly back "and you look very handsome" she said hopping onto the back of his motorcycle hugging onto him tightly.

Shinichiro parked his motorcycle in the parking lot of the festival "wow it's so pretty!" Y/N exclaimed her eyes glittered at the sight of beautiful lanterns illuminating the cherry blossoms. "I haven't been here since I was a kid" Shinichiro smiled focusing on the view of Y/N being in awe of the festival. "I want this forever" he said to himself. "Y/N!" He called out to her "hmm?" She hummed turning around only to see a bright flash of a camera, "h-hey delete that!" She said trying to take the camera away from him but the boy was too tall and the camera was instantly out of her reach "No way. I'm going to capture all of our memories of our first date together so you can show our future kids" he smiled Y/N blushed at his comment about future kids "s-stupid" she muttered under her breath but it Shinichiro heard it and snapped another photo. "Memoriesss" he sang as Y/N scolded him for taking another picture.

As they got to the festival entrance Shinichiro noticed how packed it was "stay close to me okay?" He said, Y/N nodded her head and grabbed the bottom of his yukata sleeve making Shinichiro melt inside at her cuteness.

They both strolled down the walk ways of the festival trying various festival foods, playing games, and taking photos together. "Ahh look Shinichiro!" Y/N said pointing at the fishing game that was giving out fishes "just watch I'll win you one!" He said going over to pay for a round of the game. He concentrated as he tried to see which colored fish he should pick he handed his pick to the stand owner "we have a winner! Young lad" he said while handing Shinichiro a fish.

"Our first pet" Y/N smiled looking at the fish in the bag "what are you going to name him" he said wrapping his arms around her "mmmm Shinshin!" She said giggling, Shinichiro raised an eyebrow "huh??? You're going to name it after me?" He said Y/N nodded her head. "Oi Shinichiro" a familiar face greeted them. Y/N immediately recognized the guy as Wakasa, Shinichiro's friend that he constantly complained about because girls fawned over him instead of Shinichiro. "I see you finally are dating Y/N" he said smirking Shinichiro blushed "Wakasa can you not tease me" Shinichiro pouted Y/N looked up to see the cute expression on her boyfriend's face as he was blushing and clearly flustered. "Okay okay I'll stop, I heard they're doing fireworks tonight are you guys going to stay for that long?" Wakasa asked cocking an eyebrow upward.

Shinichiro looked at Y/N "can we?" She asked like a innocent puppy Shinichiro mentally cursed remembering he had a gathering with his fellow gang members later that night "ahh looks like we're gonna stay then" wrapping an arm around Y/N. "Alright you love birds be safe okay? I'll catch you up later" Wakasa said to Shinichiro letting him off the hook for skipping the meeting. Shinichiro sighed in relief, he sometimes hated meetings they always ran long and happened late at night. "Shin let's go" Y/N said breaking his trail of thought "okay" he said following Y/N through the crowd.

"Wait here" Shinichiro stopped, "I have to stop by the bathroom" he said, Y/N let go of his hand and Shinichiro ran off to find a bathroom. He was gone for quite some time and it was almost time for the fireworks to start. She suddenly saw Shinichiro running towards her "I-I'm sorry" he huffed out of breath. "Let's go I know a spot" he said dragging Y/N "the crowd is this way though" she said pointing to where everybody else was heading to watch fireworks but Shinichiro ignored her and dragged her into the woods.

They made their way to an edge that had an open spot she gleamed at the sight he had brought her to. She could see the whole entire festival from where they were and it looked beautiful with the city lights shining behind it. Tonight was a especially clear night as well, the starry sky was clear and the moon was bright. "The cherry blossoms look so beautiful here" she said softly Shinichiro smiled and took something out of his pocket.

"I lied to you. I didn't go to the bathroom" he said Y/N broke her gaze from the view and looked at Shinichiro who had a beautiful pink Sakura hair piece with sun charms that were orange and yellow resembling a sunset. "It's beautiful" she said delicately running her small fingers over it "it reminds me of the two things you love, sunsets and cherry blossoms" he said smiling while putting it in her hair "three things now. Sunsets, cherry blossoms, and you" she smiled tippy toeing to kiss his cheek. Shinichiro felt warmth grow in his chest pulling her in for a hug, the scent of his cologne and cigarettes filled Y/N's nose as he embraced her.

Suddenly the heard a loud boom. The fireworks had started and Y/N's eyes glowed "Whoaaa" she gasped at the fireworks that light up the night sky as she clutched her goldfish bag in one hand. Shinichiro was more focused on Y/N he slowly stepped back to capture the moment on his camera. "Y/N turn around and hold up your fish" he said, Y/N turned around holding up her fish in one hand and a peace sign in the other smiling for the camera. Shinichiro snapped one for his camera and one for his phone setting it as his screen saver immediately. He then walked towards Y/N and watched the night sky glow in array of different colors. Each of them pointed out which firework they thought looked the best and laughing at their silly comments together. "I wish I could live in this moment forever" he smiled "me too" she said sinking into his chest.

A couple of years had passed since Y/N and Shinichiro had started dating, to everybody's surprise they were together all throughout high school and were even voted as 'Most likely to get married'. They were still quite as in love as they were when they were just 16, their favorite things were sunsets, cherry blossoms, and each other. Every year since they started dating they would sit at the top of his motorcycle shop and watch the sunset over the pink cherry blossoms that had bloomed. It was their little tradition they did together and every day when they were together Y/N would point out the sunsets and compliment it's beauty. It never got old for Shinichiro. Dating Y/N was the upmost best part of his life.

"Y/N move in with me" Shinichiro said to Y/N as they laid in his room that was upstairs from his motorcycle shop widened her eyes "a-are you sure?" She asked, Shinichiro wrapped her in his arms "I'm sure and besides you basically live here anyways" he laughed looking at all the clothes she always left over. She even had her own toothbrush in his bathroom so he figured why not just live together and save money? He took out a pair of keys from the bedside in his drawers and handed them to Y/N.

"You're mine forever Y/N L/N" he smiled pulling her in for a deep passionate kiss. "Shin" she murmured at his kisses that felt like heaven on her tongue. "I love you" he said in a low voice before pulling up his covers over them.

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