Chapter Four

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Nobody's POV

6 months later

Y/N's stomach had grown to be the size of a melon and the sooner her due date was creeping up the more demanding she was getting, "Shinichiro!!!" She yelled from the living room Shinichiro appeared in front of her smiling tenderly. He knew she was going through a lot of hormonal changes at the moment so he always was on his best behavior making sure her needs were taken care of "ahhh I'm hungry can you make me something to eat" she pouted. The patient man smiled and nodded his head making his way to the kitchen "how about your favorite? Spicy curry?" He said Y/N felt her mouth water "yes please" she said giving him puppy eyes from across the room. He giggled at her cute actions and started cooking for his pregnant wife.

The man was perfect, he was everything a woman could dream for in a husband and Y/N was so grateful to have him as her husband. He was so kind hearted and understanding even the toughest gangsters had respect for him despite his weak physical abilities when compared to them he was outshined in terms of fighting skills but nobody could break his spirit. Nobody could hate the extremely humble man. Y/N was certain there wasn't one person who had an ounce of hate for her husband in this world.

"Here you are darling make sure my son eats well" he said giving her grown belly a kiss, "thank you hubby!" She smiled before digging into the food. She loved Shinichiro's cooking it was the only thing she would actually eat during her pregnancy. "Ah!" She gasped Shinichiro furrowed his eyebrows "what's wrong?" He asked concerned at her suddenly yelp "nothing nothing he just kicked" she said smiling at her stomach. Shinichiro rushed to her side again and rubbed her belly "hello little Sano, mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you" he tenderly cooed to her stomach. She felt another soft kick and smiled "I think he likes the sound of your voice" she said taking another bite of her spicy curry. "Mmm and he definitely likes your cooking" she laughed as she felt a stronger kick.

Shinichiro was overwhelmed by love and pure bliss, "I love you guys so much" he said hugging Y/N gently. "We love you so much too" she giggled at her husband's cute actions.

"Mikey's birthday is coming up can you guess what I'm giving him?" Shinichiro smiled at Y/N. "Don't tell me" she said giving him a concerned look Shinichiro's smile grew sinister "oh yes his CB250T bike will be ready by his birthday" he said with a huge grin plastered on his face "Shin do you really think giving a 12 year old boy a motorcycle is a good idea?" She said crossing her arms. "Well for your information he's going to be 13 next week and what's the problem with that? I was driving motorcycles at his age too" he shrugged Y/N shook her head "imagine if that were your 13 year old son on a bike" she said scrunching her nose at him. Shinichiro leaned in her face and copied the face she was making at him "then he'll be one badass kid just like his dad" he said before letting out a loud laugh. Y/N flicked his forehead "my son is going to be tamed unlike his father. I can't believe you" she said before turning her attention back to her unfinished plate.

It was now night time and Shinichiro and Y/N were in bed sound asleep until Y/N heard rustling coming from downstairs. "Shin shin wake up!" Y/N said shaking him awake. He let out a loud yawn and stretched his arms to wrap them around her "baby I'm tired can't your cravings wait until later?" He said pouting half asleep, "no Shinichiro it's not cravings" she said all of a sudden a loud thump was heard followed by the sound of glass shattering and muffled voices.

Shinichiro's eyes shot open "wait here" he said to his wife before heading downstairs to see what was going on. Y/N felt her heart tug watching him head downstairs.

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