Chapter 1 - Skyscrapers and Stars

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Deku glared at the TV screen as he flicked through the channels. So many shows, yet nothing to watch. He tossed the remote across the room, not batting an eye as it collided loudly with the wall.

"Oi, don't break it. 'S the only one we have since Crusty keeps annihilating them all."  

Deku grunted in response to Dabi's half-assed warning. The pair were lounging in the decrepit sitting room of the League of Villains' hideout - or what they knew as 'home.' Sure, the paint was peeling off the walls and the floorboards were starting to splinter, but to them a home is where their bed is - and they'd been sleeping there long enough to know specifically which floorboards creaked and which were safe to walk on in the dead of night. 

"I am so. Unbelievably." Deku draped himself across the couch, his feet intruding upon his companion's personal space. "Bored." 

"Yeah, well, your feet in my face won't make you any less bored." Dabi tried to swat the feet away without touching them. Sure, he could burn people into a pile of ash, but like hell was he about to touch a pair of sweaty feet. He had standards. 

"It could do." Deku said with smirked, poking Dabi on the cheek with his toe. Unfortunately, this led to his ankle been grabbed and finding himself in a crumpled pile on the floor.



"Karma's a bitch."

"Don't let her hear you say that." 

Deku grunted as he pushed onto his elbows, scowling. "I don't like you." 

"Sure you don't, Broccoli Boy." 

"Whatever, Crispy." Dabi sent him a glare, but shrugged it off. The door beside the bar suddenly flung open, a disgruntled Shigaraki waddling to one of the barstools and plopping down on it. 

"Good evening." Dabi chimed, receiving a mumble in return. "What's up?" He perked up in concern for the morose tone he'd received. 

"Mm... nothing." Shigaraki muttered, propping his chin on his hand and staring into the middle-distance. 

"Doesn't look like nothing." Dabi muttered to himself and rolled off the couch, stepping gracefully over Deku and settling into the stool beside their leader. "What happened?"

Shigaraki looked at the older man out of the corner of his eye for a second, then succumbed to the convincing look in the sea of piercing turquoise, as always. "Call with All For One."

Dabi groaned. "What's he want now?" 

"Wants to know how our supplies are doing."  

"Why would he care? He never funds anything." Dabi spat. Shigaraki gave him a pointed look. "At least not the things we need to survive." He pointed to Deku still sprawled on the floor. "And some people are still growing. Deku and Toga need more food than the rest of us but I don't see him reaching into his pocket to make sure we're all still alive."

"If you can even call this alive." Deku mumbled, summoning the energy to flop onto his stomach. Dabi opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his tongue. Deku was right. Their dingy little bar and countless failed missions could hardly be called being 'alive.' They merely passed from day to day, complaining about the state of their world, yet all their efforts to change it being in vain. There must be more to life than this endless circling... there has to be.

"I don't think we'll hear from him again in a while, anyway." Shigaraki continued, idly fiddling with Dabi's hand resting on the bar. 

Dabi looked carefully at the younger man, analysing the details of his blank expression. "Come here." He whispered, opening his arms and guiding Shigaraki towards his chest, who allowed himself to faceplant into his partner. Dabi gently nuzzled his face into the blue hair, hyperaware for any discomfort from the smaller man. He knew Shigaraki wasn't great with physical affection, but he'd managed to get away with the odd cuddle here and there. 

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