Chapter 3 - New Starts and Old Faces

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WARNINGS: threats, knife

Deku was in awe.

U.A. high school was so much bigger up close, it was almost daunting. 

In all fairness, he was surprised that the League even permitted him to join the school in the first place. Shigaraki had been the most opposed to the idea, it took Dabi a whole three weeks of convincing to even make him consider allowing him to attend. They didn't bother consulting All For One. 

He gripped the straps of his bright yellow backpack, curtesy of Kurogiri, and began his trek into the building to find his homeroom. All he knew was that it was a huge door with a big-ass 1A scrawled on the front. He'd find it eventually, he guessed. 

The halls were still quiet since Dabi had carted him off early to school, ranting about 'not being late on the first day,' as if that really mattered in the grand scheme of things. He'd managed to worm his way into the top Hero school in Japan, like hell were they going to give him the boot on the first day for being tardy. 

But still, here he was. 

He could feel the other students casting weird glances at him as he passed, and he stuffed his hands in his pockets, a bored look on his face as he pointedly ignored them. The League had even forked out and bought him a uniform instead of stealing. He hadn't expected them to be so... supportive on his plan. It was a huge risk, but the reward would be well worth it in the end. 

The day of the physical entrance exam, All Might had fulfilled his promise. He transferred the One For All Quirk to Deku, blind to the fact he'd just handed the legacy of a multitude of previous Heroes to a Villain. A Villain in the company of The League, no less. 

He could feel excitement build inside of him, raw and unfiltered. He hadn't felt like this since the League's last attack a few months ago, and even then he had to wait in the wings whilst the LoV's poster faces had all the real fun. 

But in an instant, his light mood came tumbling down in a pathetic pile of dark memories.


The boy stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. He grinned widely at the blond he was met with, and he waved.

"Kacchan! Long time, no see!" 

Bakugo didn't say anything. He just stared, jaw slack and eyes bulging.

"Oh, Kacchan, didn't your mother teach you it's rude to stare?" Deku hissed, grabbing the blond by the arm and dragging him into an empty classroom. He shut the door firmly behind them and turned to his childhood friend. 

"What the fuck." Bakugo looked over the boy. "You're alive." 

"Evidently." Deku glanced down at himself and smiled, wide and wild. "But I can't say the same for you if you say anything about who I am." 

Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed at the obvious threat. "The hell did you just say to me, nerd?" 

"I said," Deku drew the knife tucked into the inside of his blazer. He gripped the collar of Bakugo's shirt and slammed him against the wall, the polished blade pressed against the skin of his neck. "If you tell anyone that you know me, I will not hesitate to put an end to your pathetic existence." 

Bakugo tried to push him away, but was astonished by the strength with which Deku held him with. "I'm- I'm not scared of you, shitty nerd." He felt the knife press harder against his neck. "I don't know what the fuck happened to you, but like hell am I going to let you walk all over me." 

Deku pursed his lips and nodded. "Understandable. Well." He released the blond and shrugged. "You'll have to let me know what kind of flowers you'd like at your funeral. I'd hate for anything not be to your pleasing."

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