Chapter 2 - The Luck of a Quirk

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Deku didn't believe in luck. His life had been one unfortunate event after another, rendering it near impossible for him to place any trust in the higher power of things simply working out. If you wanted something, you had to go and get it. The Universe wasn't going to deliver it to your doorstep, shit just doesn't work like that - at least not for him.

But maybe this was the day where that belief changed.

It was pouring with rain when he took cover underneath that bridge. Water trickled down the sides, the quiet pitter-patter helping him to relax for the first time in ages. He was alone in a secluded spot - a rare but welcome occurrence, since not even his special roof top was his own anymore.

That damned boy.

He stared up at the graffiti adorning the underside of the bridge. Everything from skulls to broken hearts to declarations of love and hate had been painted onto the tired looking bricks. He loved it. The underdogs of the city making their mark. Everyone deserved a chance to be heard, whether that be protesting, music, writing, or painting the underside of bridges.

He was surprised when his peace was disturbed by the presence of another seeking shelter.

He was even more surprised to watch the No.1 Pro Hero collapse against the wall.

Blood dripped from All Might's mouth as he panted. Deku stood frozen as he stared. This was too easy. The Hero didn't even know he was there, all it would take is one clean cut across his throat and he'd be out of their hair. He'd have singlehandedly taken down the top Hero in the city, the Symbol of Peace.

He would be made legend. 

Slowly, he slid the knife from its sheath. He gripped the blade with a trembling resolve, adrenaline coursed through his veins at unnatural speed. He was buzzing with excitement. This would be one hell of a debut into the Villain world. 

But he hesitated. 

All Might's strength suddenly deflated from him, leaving behind the scraggly, weak old man he truly was. 

Deku certainly hadn't expected that. Nor had he anticipated the subtle hint of sympathy he felt for the falling Hero. He remembered the time when he had idolised the Pro, wanting to be just like him when he grew up. The child side of him still held a sliver of adoration for the man.

How foolish he was. And this was just proof. 

All Might was a mere mirage, a mask this faker wore. There was no Symbol of Peace, not really, just a frail, dying man who should have retired long ago. 

Deku pocketed his knife. He wouldn't need it, it looked as though all he would have to do was poke the Hero and he'd snap like a twig. 

Maybe a different approach was needed...

"All Might!" He called, hands tucked into his chest and that fanboy gleam in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He jogged over, kneeing before the Hero.

"I- I'm fine." All Might choked out, blood and saliva dripping down from the corner of his mouth.

"Should- Should I call someone? A doctor?" Deku began fumbling around his hoodie pockets, patting each one for a phone that wasn't there.

"No! You needn't do that." All Might coughed, catching a pool of scarlet in his hand and wiping it on his trousers. Deku grimaced. "I assure you, I am fine." 

"Please!" Deku clasped his hands together, pleading. "There must be something I can do!"

All Might raised an eyebrow at him, then the other, then they furrowed. Deku felt the sudden urge to poke him in the eye, anything to stop his uncomfortable staring. What's his deal?

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