Chapter 6 - Liberties We Weren't Granted

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"Babe, c'mon-"


Shigaraki shoved away from the bed and moved towards the window opposite, grinding his teeth with every step.

"Just hear him out!"

"Have you lost your mind? We are not letting a Pro's son into our base, and that's final."

Dabi sighed. He knew this wouldn't be a fight he was going to win easily, but he hadn't quite expected his partner to this adamant against it. There were a lot of things that were considered all well and fair at the League, but this is where he drew the line?

"Do what Deku suggested. Let the kid prove himself." Dabi laid back and stared at the  smoke-stained ceiling. "If he can't pull through then we dodged a bullet. If he does," He pushed onto his elbows and levelled Shigaraki with a knowing look, "imagine the shit we could do. We'd have a mole in the No.1 Pro's house." 

For a moment, Dabi thought he had won. The look on Shigaraki's face was contemplative, but a swift shake of the head and a firm frown made it clear he hadn't even made a dent on the man's resolution. "No. That's final."

Dabi threw an arm over his eyes, blocking out the light as he sighed again. He could hear the repetitive patter of feet as Shigaraki stalked around the bedroom, pacing between the foot of the bed and the window if Dabi had to guess. It was one of the League's leader's nervous habits. Whenever he was deep in thought or stressed out, he'd always start wearing a trench into the floorboards with his relentless train of thought. It drove Dabi mad at times, but at least it was less damaging than his other habits - like disintegrating all the doorknobs by accident, now that was a pain in the ass.  

"Go on." Dabi propped himself up against the headboard, readying himself for the onslaught of shower-thoughts that would be fired his way. "Spill."

"How does this brat even know about the kid being a Villain?" Shigaraki asked, a look of warning in his eyes. It was obvious he was onto him and Deku. Damn, he was such an open-book for his boyfriend it was unnerving at times. 

"He figured it out for himself." Dabi answered breezily. He had no idea if that was true, but at least it would save some of Deku's skin later on. 

"I knew it was a mistake allowing Deku to attend school. This is ridiculous." 

"Again, you're only seeing the cons." Shigaraki stopped his pacing and stared right at his partner. "Can you at least try and be more optimistic?" 

Dabi internally flinched when he realised too late that he'd hit a nerve. Shigaraki strode over to the bottom of the bed, eyes cold enough to freeze Dabi in place. "Optimism is what got me into this shit in the first place. The kid is... young and naïve and-"

"Only younger than you by a few years." Dabi reminded. "And I'm not that much older myself. Age has nothing to do with our situations, the world didn't grant us that liberty." 

Shigaraki crossed his arms and glowered at him. 

It was at that moment, Dabi knew, he fucked up. 

"Don't you start on me with liberties. I know full well the extent of the inequalities society faces everyday and the strangle-hold the Pros have over the public and the press all the while disregarding those who are in need of real help. Who are you to come at me and start explaining my own situation-"

"That's not what I'm saying." Dabi held his hands up in surrender. "I'm only trying to explain that he's been through just as much as the rest of us. He's earned his place here and our trust in him. Have a little faith he knows what he's doing." Dabi swung his legs over the side of the bed and shrugged. "Besides, I already warned him what'll happen if shit hits the fan, and he's agreed to the conditions." He stepped closer to Shigaraki and slid an arm around his waist. "But we can talk about this later. I don't like seeing you mad at me." 

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