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(Don't own any vids or Pics, also Before we begin, special message from the devi-i mean the co author


...As you see this is why i don't piss her off.)

Location: Axis-Allied Frontier Headquarters, London, United Kingdom

Date: September 4th, 1941

In the distance can be heard the battle raging on as The European-Asian-African Troops held the line. 

The United States of America was dead...we all knew that, after the Confederates took Washington D.C. In the American Civil war they spread like wildfire. These...Monsters knowledge and Technology is so advanced it could rival German Science. Ten years after the Fall of the US, The CSA Launched a Surprised Invasion to Canada, eventually taking it in at least two years. Then Mexico Fell, then Cuba, then Brazil...All within Thirty Years North and South America was in Confederate Hands. The Confederate Union Of America Was Formed, During WW1 Neither the Central Powers or the European Allies asked for any assistance from the CUA As they saw them as brutes...As Monsters. In 1934, Hitler gave the Jews Amnesty, realizing the threat the CUA Presents as the Empire of Japan Helps Chinese defenders to Prepare. All they know was they we're the last Nations that can stop the spread of the Confederates. In 1937, the CUA Launched its Attacked on the Japan Homeland and Africa. Japan was forced to relocate the Emperor to London where other AAF Was Formed, Stalin, Churchill, Hirohito and other AAF Leaders we're moved to London as the Confederates spread like wildfire, invading China, USSR and Norway. No one was stopping them. In 1941, The United Kingdom remains the only Nation not occupied by the CUA As the British Soldiers and Remnants of other AAF Men prepare their defense...

A Nazi Scientist can be seen approaching a British Scientist as an unknown machine was seen.

"Herr Jacksville. The Machine is almost ready for testing, Hopefully if this works we can hold out the line."

The Nazi scientist says as the British Scientist Nods, turning to the Machine once again.

The Nazi scientist says as the British Scientist Nods, turning to the Machine once again

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(Pretend its off)

Since the AAF Was formed the Scientists worked on Project Freedom. Project Freedom was made by using an New Form of Energy and Crystals find in the Siberia before it collapsed, they emitted strong Energy. It was hoped that this Machine could either wipe out the entire CUA Or...Call for Help. This was the First time they we're testing it...This was their last option since the CUA Troops have Placed a Sieged on London.

Meanwhile Three People can be seen...Wearing Late WW2 U.S. Army gear inspecting they're weapons. They we're a resistance group known as the "Union Front Of America." The UFA Existed since the end of the American Civil war, using guerilla tactics and Terrorist like attacks on Confederate supporters and Cities. One of them...Was General Douglas Macarthur, formerly CUA Army General but secretly sided  with the UFA, They had to flee The CUA After the three we're discovered. One of them crying on a makeshift flag they made on what they thought the US Would look like if they never fell, General Douglas Macarthur Smoking while knowing the end might be near for them while one, with a battle hardened face seemed to accepted they're fate.

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