Chapter 22 - Future Days

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[4 Years Earlier]

After returning from the school that her 14-year-old son frequents in Kyoto, due to her presence being requested by the principal about a fight Ciel and another student had gotten into, Yukari Amagi was now sitting on the armchair in the living room, cleaning the new Taylor GS Mini Acoustic guitar she got a year ago, the mahogany body's all colored in black, largely covered by a white moth perched upon some fern leaves, similar to the moth she and her husband engraved together in the guitar she gifter to her son on his birthday and the headstock was also black colored with the words 𝑇𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑜𝑟 written in white. As the dark-ash haired woman passed the soft cloth with a small amount of guitar polish on the neck to remove the spots of dirt and the dust that formed from the usage, Yukiko returned from the kitchen with two mugs of warm coffee, putting down one on the coffee table and took a seat on the couch that faced the tv, turning to her older sister. "I'm still surprised by this. This doesn't sound like CiCi at all." Yukiko said with her mug between her hands, still surprised by the situation her nephew got into.

"The principal told me the same. Apparently, Ciel was the one who started the fight." Yukari explained, applying a bit of pressure on the cloth to remove the small bits of dirt and proceeded to clean the frets. "Funny how the parents of the other kid were saying that I owed their son an apology."

"And what did you say?"

"For starters, I told them I taught my son how to defend himself, not to instigate fights. If he started the fight, then their son must've made something for that to happen." Yukari let ou a chuckle. "You should've seen the look on their faces."

"Now I wish I was there to see that." The two sisters shared a laugh and Yukiko drank some of the coffee as Yukari stopped cleaning the guitar to do the same, returning to what she was doing. Staring at the coffee, Yukiko's face turned into one of seriousness, and put the mug on the table, joining her hands together, directly facing Yukari. "What did the doctor say about your condition?"

At the question, Yukari stopped cleaning the fret markers and faced her sister's serious expression with the same one before going back to cleaning the markers. "He said it was starting to reach stage III." Yukari informed the stage her lung cancer was starting to reach, moving the cloth from the markers and blowing air into them to blow away the dust, finishing cleaning to place a new set of strings.

" Yukari informed the stage her lung cancer was starting to reach, moving the cloth from the markers and blowing air into them to blow away the dust, finishing cleaning to place a new set of strings

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"Jesus Christ, Yukari." Yukiko propped her elbows on her knees and placed her forehead against her hands, dumbstruck about why her older sister was acting like it isn't anything serious, even after turning down the treatments. "Why won't you take the treatments?"

"All those expensive treatments and for what?" Yukari asked with mild annoyance, nodding at herself at how shinny the guitar was, and settled it on her lap, grabbing the strings from the table to start putting them in their respective places. "Another week? Another month? It's bad enough I barely spend any time with my son and I'm not gonna let Ciel's last memory of me being on a hospital bed for him to think about when will it be the day that I die."

Time is Everything: A Highschool DxD x Oc StoryWhere stories live. Discover now