𝓖𝓸 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀

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       Suzy wakes up from her beauty sleep and groans as she realises that today is Monday, and on Mondays she has playgroup. She gets up from her bed and walks to the window; Suzy, today is quite exhausted and doesn't realise that it is dark outside. She then brushes her teeth, wears her dress, and walks out of the door. Suzy was then greeted by the sound of crickets and cockroaches and feels a chill down her spine. She then realises that it is probably midnight, but that doesn't stop her from getting out of her neighbourhood.

     Suzy first goes back into the house to get her bicycle, then closes the door shut. She then cycles to wherever she goes. 'It is quite cold outside, I hope there are no wolves or foxes around!' Suzy thought to herself. 'Foxes... wait where does Freddy live? I think across the corner-' Suzy then stops pedaling and sees someone.. no something and is somewhat riding on their bike, just like what Suzy is doing? Suzy was confused as this was unusual for anyone to be outside at a time like this, but it seems like it is someone she knows.. someone she met....

     The shadow-like animal then emerges and made Suzy in awe... it was Gerald Giraffe? Gerald was the last person that could come in mind when it comes to sneaking out in the middle of the night. "Oh! Hello Suzy. You made me jump out of my bicycle!" "Gerald!? What are you doing here!? You're the last person that would come out in the middle of the night!" Suzy said. "Anyways, what brings you here? Are you running away from your parents or are you trying to track down a classmate?" Suzy asked, "None, I'm actually going to Emily Elephant's place." "Huh? You guys are friends? Or are you guys secretly.." "What! No no you got it all wrong, actually my parents and hers are cooperating in something..." Gerald said. "Woah! You are already using big words! I don't even know what that means! Anywho.. do you know where Freddy lives? Freddy Fox? The Fox you sit next to?"

    "Hmm? Oh of course I do. Everyone gave me their address for me to invite them to the ultimate party two months later." "You know what, you are actually really cool. I saw you as the quiet kid, and now I see you as the cool friend, thanks Gerald!" Suzy said as she complimented, "Thanks Suzy, it's nice to see someone appreciate me for who I am." Gerald said with a smile, before Suzy and Gerald parted their ways, Gerald asked "Are you going to Freddy's house? Or do you two have something...." Suzy then froze and started to stutter. "I-I.. uh-uhm... wait I can e-explain! I ju-" "Do you two have a project that was assigned by Madame Gazelle?" "Oh uh no." Suzy said truthfully, for she doesn't want any further trouble with Madame Gazelle.

     "Oh, so is he like a playmate? If no, sorry for interfering, I can take you if you want because his house is right next to Emily's." Suzy then felt at ease as Gerald Giraffe was helping her out for absolutely no reason. "Yeah that would be great!" They then start to pedal on their bikes, with Gerald in the lead, they both arrived. Gerald then says goodbye and goes off to Emily Elephant and Edmond Elephant who were waiting outside for him to arrive. Suzy, then realises that she put herself in such great trouble. She then gulps, and takes a deep breath, and goes to push the doorbell, then waits. 

   No one came to answer the door, and so Suzy was relieved and was about to leave, until... the door behind her opened with someone who was waiting.... inside.... for her..... to come..... it was Freddy Fox and... Pedro Pony?! Pedro was next to the door and did not expect Suzy to come of course, maybe he was unaware of their friendship, but he still goes with the flow. "Suzy! I did not expect you to come, especially to Freddy himself! Did you track him or something?" Pedro says feeling concerned. "No Pedro, I'm here for no reason, I thought there was playgroup that's all." "But what made you come here to my house? Was it because you missed me? Or was it because you wanted a refund, or you came to buy something! Well sorry, the store is closed." Freddy says. Suzy then starts to blush from the first remark, she blushes aggressively. 'Miss him!? Why would I miss him! Just because I only spoke to him 2-3 times does not mean I miss HIM!! HBWFIBCKIBILNIOEQN8IOHQW-' Suzy's thought was then interrupted with Freddy saying:

     "Pedro, let's solve this mystery onto why Suzy would come to my house-" "WAIT!" Freddy's head then turns to Suzy's pink face. He sees that the pale sheep that is now pink is extremely upset as to this happening. She didn't know what she was doing, she was just going with the flow, also known as her thoughts.. which led her to his house. Freddy then realises the case and solved it within a minute. It then started to rain. Suzy was freezing cold and only wore a thin pink dress that was only up to her knees. "Suzy come inside, how about we investigate this inside." Suzy then nods at Pedro's words and comes inside. She leaves her bike in the hallway and enters the living room. She makes herself feel at comfort and sits down, feeling her teary eyes. She looks down in humiliation. 'Why did I do this? Why would I do such a thing?! What would Mummy Sheep and Daddy-' She stopped that last thought and broke down in tears, she didn't know why but let it happen. 

     Freddy then goes over to Suzy and pats her back, Pedro goes to the kitchen to get some tissues for Suzy and sits next to Freddy. "W-why.. w-what will your p-parents do if they f-find me?" "Oh? My dad is on a business trip, and my mum is at the hospital because they called her to check in for the whole day." Freddy says, which reassured Suzy. "What about your parents?" Pedro asked. "M-my mum is at work.. she s-said she h-had extra shifts to c-cover.." "Oh, then you can stay here as much as you like." Freddy said with a smile. This made Pedro and Suzy smile too. Suzy felt her heart flutter, while Pedro smiled cause of that one time Freddy said he smelt like toothpaste, he realised it meant he smelt clean, so he smiled to his fullest.

   "So.. would that mean that this is a sleepover..?" Suzy asked. "If you want, but me and Pedro were already having one, can't hurt to invite one more to join us." "Thanks Freddy, I could thank you for a million years." Freddy just smile to Suzy as a response, which melted her heart. They then hear a knock which scares the living soul out of them. Freddy, bravest one out of them, Goe to check who is outside. He then slowly breathes in relief to see Gerald Giraffe and Emily Elephant outside in their raincoats. He opens the door, while Suzy and Pedro are peeking from the sides. "Oh! What a surprise Gerald, what are you doing here? You too Emily, were you guys by yourselves? Come in!" "Thanks Freddy!" Gerald and Emily both say as they step into the house. "Hi Suzy!" Said Emily Elephant, "Hi Emily! It's really good to see you." Suzy says. "So, what are you planning to do now Freddy...?" Pedro asked, "Well I'm not really sure.. we could stay here since none of our parents are here, so yeah." "But you said your mum is staying at the hospital until morning!" Suzy said. "I meant the whole day, so that means I'm staying here by myself." Suzy felt a weight come off her back as soon as she heard that. "How about for now we stay here and just chill out." Gerald suggested. "Yeah let's do just that." Emily said.

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