ᴳᵒᵒᵈᵇʸᵉ... I think

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     "Hello?" it was a voice, a familiar one. Suzy saw someone. She went down the alley across Freddy's neighbourhood and found Edmond sitting on the pavement. "Edmond?" "Hello." "Hi, why are you sitting on the pavement?" Edmond's right eye was twitching. "I saw a group of people take a body into a van and I was the only one who witnessed it. They did not find me though, they are not from our town either. I've never seen them before, not here." "A-a b-body?!" Suzy starts to shudder, she knew about it, but she must have forgotten. Everything starts to darken, and she awoke from a dream, a strange one. Birds sang their little sing-song, it was morning. Suzy got up from her bed. Her eyes were even more sore and she developed a headache. Today was the last day of playgroup. Today was it, it was her final goodbye. She went to her closet and laid down her favourite pink dress. She goes over to the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth and washes her face with soap to refresh herself. After that, she goes to her room and wears her dress, clean white socks, and brushes her silky white fur. For breakfast, she goes down the stairs and was met with Charlotte who was eating Coco Pops. She grabs a clean bowl and makes her breakfast. She sat with Charlotte and companied her by eating breakfast. "Why did you come here?" asked Suzy. She still did not know when was enough. 

     "To take care of you." "How do you know my mum was gone?" "She was not answering my phone, she usually would. So I got worried and called her work department, they did not see her come to work on that day..." Charlotte took her last spoonful. "Charlotte... I had a weird dream, it was not a nightmare... but it scared me a bit-" "Ok, let's hear it!" "There was this boy called Edmond, he is from my playgroup, he sat on the pavement and was calling out, but not for help. He seemed shocked yet neutral. H-he told me that he saw people taking a body to a van.." Suzy stared down, eyes bulging out. She is trying not to cry again. Charlotte stayed quiet for a while. She was scared Suzy was referring to Mummy Sheep. "H-heh?" "T-they w-were not from town.. they were strangers!" Suzy's tears streamed down like a river. She forced herself to stop crying. She cried. "Suzy, you don't have to go to-" "PLEASE! LET ME GO TO PLAYGROUP!" Her tears formed as a water fountain. "I cannot allow you! Please, you are not calm enough!" "Hic.. I' sorry..." Charlotte pulled Suzy into a hug. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you this... Don't worry, Mummy has to be safe." That calmed Suzy a bit to stop her crying. "C-can I please go to playgroup..." "U-uh... ok but please take care..." "I will, I promise..." 

     Charlotte wore her warm coat and a white scarf, and Suzy, her pink coat and a scarf, they walk to playgroup and arrived. They were welcomed by Madame Gazelle at the door, and Charlotte left to go get Suzy's stuff ready. "Suzy... how are you darling?" Suzy turned and saw Madame Gazelle. "U-um good!" "If you need anything, please don't be shy to ask." Madame Gazelle had a tone of a mother, it reminded Suzy of her own. Suzy did not know what overcame her, but she hugged Madame Gazelle. "I-i will... thank you." She whispered. "Let's go join our classmates Suzy darling." Suzy nodded and walked over to her table. Everyone came to attend, especially Gerald. Freddy Fox sat next to Suzy and nudged to her. Suzy forgotten all about the ache in her heart that was aching her now. Freddy knew something was bothering her. She was not wearing her bright smile that day. "Psst... Suzy!" She turned her head and was surprised. Freddy was super close. SUPER CLOSE! 'H-HUH!?' "Suzy are you ok?" He came in even closer. "G-GOOD! Good t-t-t-thank-" He is closer. Suzy pulled her head away from him. Her face was bright red now. 50 different shades of red. Whilst facing him, Suzy said, "U-um, you were extremely close F-freddy, but thank you." Freddy's smile was turning upward to the roof. "It's f-fine, I c-could do this on a d-daily basis..." Suzy looked back at him, he was crimson. It wasn't. "I wanted to show you something..." whispered Freddy. Suzy signalled an ok to him. Time flew by.

   It was break, but it was raining. Freddy and Suzy were sitting in their seats. "I-i want to show you something importan-" "SUZY!!!! WHERE ARE MY LUCKY BOOOOOOOOOTS!"  Peppa screamed at the top of her lungs. 'Of all times Peppa, you poop.'  "Behind you?" "OH!" Shouted Peppa. Freddy was ready, 'Breathe in, out, in, out..' "AH! You forgot something at my house the other day..." 'Breathe in, out, in, out...' " Uh, let me go and find my good for nothing bag..." Suzy looked down, she was a bit nervous. Peppa's jaw was wide open 'Don't tell me, he is proposing to her to be his wife?!' Thought Peppa. Pedro, Emily, Zoë and Rebecca laughed at Peppa's expression. Everyone giggled. Madame Gazelle informed to the class that there were 10 minutes left. Freddy came back, a bit flustered, with a tan of crimson covering his orange fur, handed an object into Suzy's hand and looked into her eyes. "I-i-i,-" 'Is he gonna do it?'  Suzy thought in disbelief "- I THOUGHT you would like this! You are amazing Suzy, and I was kind of surprised you left this at my place-"  Suzy's heart skipped a beat, she gave him a stern look. "Uh you left this at the shop even though you bought this."  "WAIT WHAT!" Danny and Wendy shouted, it was the ultimate snow globe thingy that  any type of animals including: cats, dogs, wolves, and even foxes were holding onto. 'That's Freddy Fox for you! So cunning.'  Thought Suzy. "Suzy IS amazing, she is my best friend after all." Peppa said while puffing out her chest in pride. "Congrats!" Emily, Zoë and Rebecca said. "My boy has grown so much!" Pedro said while wiping a tear, he was present at that time, and knew exactly what they were talking about.. Everyone, including Wendy, started clapping for them. Suzy and Freddy were confused. "Huh?" They said in unison. "SAY I love you!" screamed the class. "Let's call a celebration!" Shouted Candy. Suzy started to laugh. She laughed and laughed. She laughed. But, why was she so happy? She will never see him anymore. Ever, but Suzy wanted to do something. She was taught to do this to someone who loved and cared for her. Suzy patted Freddy tail. "A-ah! Uh Suzy!?" "S-sorry, I just thought this might be my first and last time ever.." Freddy gave Suzy a hug, a memorial one. "GROUP HUG!" screamed Richard. Everyone suffocated Freddy and Suzy. "Ag-GH AAAAAAAA" Freddy was screaming for air, same goes for Suzy.

    Playgroup ended, Suzy was relaxed. Her heart no longer ached due to the unknown feeling. Charlotte came to pick Suzy up. "Suzy! You seem better than before." Suzy hugged Charlotte. "Never felt better." Suzy said, while smiling. "Oooh! What's that in your hand?" "It's a present from a classmate. It's really pretty, isn't it?" Charlotte was fascinated. The little snow globe dazzled as the grey fog turned their way. "Hmm, it would be hard for us to get home. I know!" Charlotte said with a bright idea. "Let's go meet your friend, shall we?" Suzy froze. She was doomed. Her cousin might kick her out of the house because of her feelings, stupid feelings. "OH NO, I THINK HE MIGHT BE AT HOME!" Shouted Suzy. "Oh? That's a shame.. I would have invited him over and let you guys stay up, since playgroup is over and all..." Said Charlotte. Freddy popped out of no where, startling Charlotte. "So, we are staying up late, no?" Suzy said. " N-no, I don't think his parents would allow him.." Freddy's parents follow him and shake both of Charlotte's hands. "Please do take care of him while we are at work." Asked Mrs Fox. "We will pay you £20." "A-ah, I d-don't think t-that's necessary-" "Ignore my tired cousin, you did say £20, no?" Asked Suzy. "Ah Charlotte!" Called Someone. It was Mrs Wolf. "P-professor?" "How are you darling? How has your majors been?" Asked Mrs Wolf "Not easy, and you?" "Oh, I'm fine thank you! I was wondering if you could take care of my daughter for me? I've got to attend a meeting in London, and I'll be gone for a while!" "How much?" Asked Suzy. "EXCUSE ME-" Charlotte was interrupted by Mrs Wolf handing out £50. Mr and Mrs Fox hand out £20. Ms Rabbit hand out 10p. "You have a child?!" Shouted the adults. "Hmm? ME?! Pfftt- NO, it's for Rebecca and Richard!" "WAIT!" Puffs Mrs Pony. She hands out £100. Everyone stares at her like she has gone mad. "Please take care of Danny Dog for me. His parents left him abandoned a while ago." "I c-can babysit him, but not for long."Charlotte collects the money, and discusses with the parents about how the house is to small for them. "No problem! You guys can stay at my mansion for months if you want!" Said Mrs Wolf. "I have a list for the children coming! If you want, I could come and assist you." Ms Rabbit said enthusiastically. "Ok, that's that.." Charlotte said weakly. Suzy hugged Charlotte. "Thanks." Whispered Charlotte. "Let me call my limbo!" Said Mrs Wolf.

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