Chapter 2

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Rosetta gave the location of the Secret Seven Restaurant and Genesis had no choice but to dress appropriate for that scene.

Her deep V neck dress shows her little cleavage and didn't look too old for her regularly worn casual outfit. She had consider sneakers but settled with sandals and makeup, it was not the answer as she could barely afford a bottle of concealer much less a eyeshadow palette. Her cheap lip-gloss will just have to do. Her hair that was always up in a messy bun filled with frizzy hair, it is now let out into a small afro with an head band to keep the curls off her face. Knowing she had work afterwards, she brought a suitable bag instead of a small purse that can fit to hold her uniform and shoes inside.

Reservations was required at the restaurant and Genesis gave the Mastronardi name then was led to a private room with a group of men staring right back at her. She turned to the employee who led her there and shook her head. "This must be a mistake, I'm here to meet Rosetta Mastronardi."

"I deeply apologize Miss Psalms, she's waiting next door." He advised and she nod, glad to leave the room filled with stares as the man also apologizes to the group for interruption. 

"Genesis Jada Psalms." The sound of her name spoken from one of the men had her frozen in her step in the middle of the doorway. She turns, looking over all the men's features but two only resembles her friend Rosetta.

"Yes sir?" Gen answered politely.

"You're my daughter's best friends, am I right?" The eldest man inquires and I shrugged.

"Maybe, maybe not sir. Please excuse me but I have busy day ahead of me." 

He nods and she waves goodbye and went to the correct room where Rosetta and another best friend sits, Nikita Summers. One of full American blood that came from the heart of Texas. She was legally blond and the wild one of the group back in high school. Maybe she took the blondie thing too personal or serious at times but that is who she is. 

Their group back then was complicated or weird; Rosetta had great parents who are strict sometimes, Nikita own are laid back but still wealthy like Rosetta's, and Genesis's own were filled with problems thanks to her father.

"Babe, I missed you."

Gen greeted them with an hug once again but Nikita was extra and squeezed her butt like she used to in high school. "I missed you too and I'm not gay."

"Lucky thing, I am." She announced and Genesis clapped dramatically. 

"Finally, I know it. Congratulations."

Nikita thanked her and they moved to get seated when a older man from before enters the room. "Hey, Uncle Cos."

"La Nipote, Miss Summers. Can I borrow your friend for a minute?" He asked, and they all started at Genesis with disbelief. 

"Why?" She asked before her old friends could speak.

"It's important."

She looks at Rosetta who nods so she followed the stranger out of the room. When the door closed, he puts his jacket around her waist. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not trying to make this sounds inappropriate but your dress has a little blood spot at the back." He revealed, watching as her eyes widened with disbelief then her expression changes to embarrassment. "I can have someone buy you the items you need."

"I don't have that sort of money right now, but I just need the direction to the restroom." He nods and showed her the way that was across the restaurant filled classy people and the exit was much closer.

"I know what you're thinking." He added, calling over a waiter who he whispered in his ears as the man left. She watched the scene unfold as that particular waiter intentionally knocks over a tray carried by a waitress and all the attention was directed to them. She was even surprised when he gently held her shoulders and told her to hurry to the restroom. She quickly thanked him and left in a hurry. The embarrassment wasn't worst thanks to him and for that she was grateful. 

Meanwhile, Costantino went to see his La Nipote and her friend to tell them Miss Psalms had a small emergency and would return. When he left, he lingered by the restroom door in hopes that she would return but she didn't. He even asked a lady who entered and exited the room if she saw her but was unsuccessful. 

Genesis was crying her eyes out from the lack of her emergency purse she would always have in her bag. The older man's expensive jacket hang on the door of the bathroom stall next to her bag and she couldn't change as it would only ruin her clothes. Deciding whether or not to call Rosetta, she finally did and her old friend was worried. "Uncle told me you had a small emergency, what's wrong?"

"It's... It's my period." She stammered through her low sobs. 

"Okay, you still fancies those pads like you did?" Rosetta asked and she agreed. "I'll get it to you. What size clothes?"

"I have, but it's for work and I'll surly be late today." The fear of arriving there late once again would get her fired and she needed the money. The sudden stress caused an headaches that was so bad her flow seems to change as it made her stomach numbs with pain and her vision starts to blurry.

"You won't be late... Are you okay?" Rosetta inquires as Genesis cried out in pain. Their was no answer but as she passes her uncle and opens the restroom door, she heard the fall through the phone and by the end stall. "Oh my God, Uncle!"

Costantino rushed in to see her Niece trying to get entry from the bathroom stall. Even two other ladies were trying to help but with a kick of the door he breaks it open. The women gasp at the sight of Genesis body on the floor, her blooded clothes and her broken phone. Rosetta panicked until her uncle snapped her out of it to collect Gen's belongings as he went in and picked her up from off the ground. 

The rush to the hospital was a quick one, the doctor who called for a physician's help they checks Genesis, informing Rosetta, Costantino and Nikita her condition.

"The stress, lack of having a complete rest and meal time, dehydration, high blood pressure and the blood loss though her period worsen the situation."

"When she wakes up she will suffer from two or more signs; dizziness, fatigue, feeling anxiety or other emotional changes, headaches, no appetite and sometimes sleepless nights. The stress can lead to a faster heartbeat, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal issues. Her cause can be Acute for short term stress or Chronic stress which is long term. Treatment for stress focuses on changing the situation, developing stress coping skills, implementing relaxation techniques, and treating symptoms or conditions that may have been caused by chronic stress. Things that may be helpful were therapy, medication, and complementary and alternative medications."

The doctor and physician left after they gave them access to see her, even though she was laying on the bed asleep. She woke up but fell asleep after the examination.

"Why is she not not caring for herself?" Nikita argues angrily, but overly worried.

"Nick, I saw her for the first time this morning because Ella is her brother's best friend. First, I though he was her son since she was dating August and the boy resembles her so badly. I took the kids to school and on the way little Legend told me that Gen is like their mother since Miss Monica got deported months after he was born few days after our high school graduation. She's been caring for her sibling like a single mother while their father behaves like a dead beat. Legend revealed a lot and that includes her having two jobs and she was just returning from one this morning." Rosetta stood at her friend's bed side with tears in her eyes.

"That means she didn't go to the university she was accepted to?" Nikita spoke mainly to herself but they heard. Rosetta shook her head and they cried, feeling like they are failures. "She was with us when we needed her but we weren't there for her."

"I few awful, guilty and angry at myself. I need to help her and her brothers."

"We need to help her and her brothers." Nick emphasized. 

"She needs to wake up first. Are you sure she'll accept the offer?" The older man inquires and both girls sighed. 

"We can only hope." Was their reply.

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