- Chapter Six -

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If there's anything I've learned recently that it's crucial to put up boundaries in all relationships and friendships; you'll probably get hurt if you let your walls down with everyone.

Boundaries can be defined as the emotional distance you allow others to approach you. They're also where a relationship's boundaries are drawn. They express anything you're willing to give or take before demanding changes or parting ways.

For instance, you might be fine with your partner going out one night a week without you, but two or three nights a week is too much. Or perhaps you are willing to overlook one instance of adultery but believe that any more would be excessive.

One of the indicators of a healthy relationship or friendship is the presence of boundaries. As a result, they might have a favourable or bad impact on your relationships with your partner, children, family, and friends.

When do relationship boundaries cause you to become more stressed?

You can simply carry on more obligations than you are satisfied with if you don't set boundaries on what you will say yes and no to in order to please others. This is known as rejection sensitivity, and it can cause pressure to your life as you try to negotiate a lifestyle that is too hectic for you.

Others may not recognize your limits if you don't respect your own. Others may find it difficult to discern when you've been asked to do too much if you don't set boundaries or restrictions on your time.

Setting appropriate boundaries in your schedule and life will help you to manage the correct balance. It empowers you to say no and efficiently manage your time.

You may become enraged or resentful if you continue to say yes to things that might be better addressed with a no. Others may appear to be taking advantage of you, or you may feel obligated to give too much.

Often you don't know you've contributed to your too busy schedule, which leads to resentment. You're unable to see how your to-do list has grown out of control. Other occasions, you discover you are to blame and get enraged with yourself for allowing it to happen.

Whatever your feelings are about the issue, the ultimate consequence is that you are worried and resentful of it. This can cause you to shut down and become estranged from the people in your life. It's also possible that continuously saying yes will harm the relationships you're looking to reinforce.

When you feel like your relationship's tit for tat is out of proportion, it can lead to conflict. Conflict frequently leads to stress, which may wreak havoc on your relationship as well as your physical health.

Every relationship has some level of dispute or conflict. You may discover that this disagreement persists if it is caused by a failure to create or enforce clear boundaries. It will never be completely resolved because it continues to happen.

Healthy boundaries allow others know where you stand with them and can help you avoid further problems in your relationships. It can also help to reduce the amount of bitterness or tension in your life, minimizing your stress even further.

A widespread misunderstanding regarding personal boundaries is that keeping everyone in your life at arm's length equates to having strong, healthy boundaries—that you can't be happy if you let others in. This isn't entirely accurate.

In fact, the true aim of boundary-setting is to allow others to grow close to you (in a healthy way). Boundaries that are set correctly allow you to create close relationships that respect the requirements of all people involved. They allow you to be both self-sufficient and dependant.

Many of us have people in our lives who require separate type of reaction and, in fact, should be kept at arm's length (or farther) since they do not recognize our boundaries. However, the vast majority of individuals can approach us without stomping on our toes if we make it clear where we stand.

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