A Distant but Familiar Feeling

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•blood mention
•Sorry if this is shite my writing isnt great LMAO

It was around noon, the sun wasn't blistering hot, but it deffinatly wasn't a cold day either. The 2 boys were training on the spike field. Joseph was taken aback by how hard Caesar had hit him, only to stand up and wipe the blood from his mouth. "Caesar, that hurt!" he said, "It's supposed to, this is training, JoJo, so don't get all offended." Caesar said with a stern but playful expression across his face. "Yea wahtever- Man, my shoulders are so soar, can we please take a break? And wipe that cocky expression of your face will you-" Joseph said, clearly upset, but wouldn't retaliate. "No, and it's not a cocky expression. You hurt me pretty bad too, y'know."
"Yea yea, I get it, but I'm sooo hungryy-" Joseph whined.
"Well, when we're done here we can eat-" Caesar was interupted by Joseph suprisingly landing another hit. "You're gonna die for that-" Caesar said before going after Jojo once more. This went on for a while. And I mean a while.

•Time Skip- About 4 hours later•

The boys were very soar from todays training, not only did they get off track, they were scolded by their instructors for getting off task as well. They slowly made their way up the stairs. Only now they realised how dark it was out, with slight starlight pearing through the windows dimly lighting the place. Suzie Q had already left for the main island to retrieve things for Lisa Lisa, which made the building silent, only the sound of their boots softly tread up the stairs.
One of them had stopped to look at the sky through a small window in the stairwell. A small sigh came from him, his headband swaying softly from the light wind. "Caesar, c'mon-" Joseph said softly, "One more minute JoJo..I just wanna look." Caesar said, as a small smile appeared on his face. He never knew why, but the sky made his heart flutter. The deep blue with the grey-ish clouds as hints of lighter blue dance from left to right.

It reminded him of someone. But who? It was fairly obvious who but he deffinatly didn't want to admit it. At least. Not yet.

Jojo stood next to him looking out. He never understood why Caesar was always so facinated with the sky, to him it didn't seem all that special. He looked back to Caesar with the blue reflecting off his green eyes that seemed to be happy. Why was that? Why did it make him happy? He didn't understand.

Soon, that would change.

"Alright JoJo, lets go." Caesar said with a satisfied sigh, continuing up the stairs. Jojo sighed as he followed the other upstairs. They made it to their shared room, and Jojo closed the door behind them softly. Caesar went to the window only to stare at the sky again. Joseph sat down at the end of Caesar's bed. "Caesar, can I ask you something?" Joseph said, with defeat in his tone but confusion on his face. "Sure, but promise me it's not a weird question."
"It's not..Why are you so facinated with the sky? Every chance you get you stare off into it as if it'll give you something in return, why is that?" Jojo said, his confusion got worse the more he thought about it. Caesar turned back around and looked towards Jojo. "The sky gives me a weird feeling of clarity. It may be a void of nothing, sure. But it's beautiful. Uh-" He caught himself staring into Jojo's eyes unknowingly, and stuttered, looking to the side. Now he knows why it reminded him of Jojo. But why was it him? Who knows.
"Why do you care anyway?" He said, not intending to be mean but curious as to why the brunette cared. "I don't know. It's just weird- No offense or anything! But y'know, it's weird to have your friend disappear to find him staring off into space, literally." Joseph said, fumbling trying to not sound like his usual cocky self.

'Friend..That's- all I am. Yea. Just a friend..Ugh, stop that!' Caesar thought

Suddenly, Joseph had an idea.
"Man, drinks sound pretty good right now-" He said, placing his hand on his cheek, attempting to sound exhausted even though he really was. "How about you? I say we go to the main island. I heard from Suzie theres this new bar, I say we go check it out-" There's his grin. 'That stupid little grin. I don't want to but..' Caesar thought. "You hear everything from Suzie." He sighed "Fine. But not for long, it's already late." He gave in.
"Sweet!" Joseph exclaimed, grabbing the arm of the other and 'dragging him' along.

'What could one night out possibly do? It couldn't go wrong, right? Who am I kidding, things will be fine..Does he know? Is he messing with me? shit..' Caesar thought as he borded the crossing boat.

'Only time will tell'

to be continued in chapter 2 ->

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