A Night That Didn't Feel Real

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•slightly spicey

They stared into eachother's eyes, focused on the light, and examining eachother faces, until they quickly looked away from eachother. Caesar covered his mouth staring at the floor, face flushed. Joseph looked away breathing shaky as if he's seen a ghost, but he wasn't scared. He was far from scared. He felt. Fuzzy.

Joseph turned to look back at Caesar, but he hasn't turned back around. Smoke leaving his mouth every-now-and-again. He eventually composed himself enough to meet Jojo's face again, a long awkward silenced lingered between the 2 before one decided to speak up. "Did-..Did you feel that just now?-" Joseph asked, awaiting Caesar's answer. "Uh...f-feel what?-" He lied, he felt what Joseph felt, maybe even more. His voice was shaky both from being cold now that it's night, and from the raging anxious and excited feeling. "Nothing, just. Something felt weird just now. It's just me I guess, haha!" Jojo laughed awkwardly.

'Just you..'

Caesar calmed himself and finished his cigarette, putting it out on the side of the brick wall beside him before going back inside. While Jojo followed behind, he thought if what jojo felt was similar to how he's felt this whole time, or if it was just a one-time thing. He sat back on his stool and began eating his food once again, ordering another round of drinks for him and his friend. These more alcoholic from the last, which inevitablly led to them being drunk. Obviously not wasted, but definatly not sober. The two boys sat in silence for about five minutes before they tried going back to their normal conversation. Joseph went back to normal in minutes, back to his usual goofy self. But Caesar. His face remained flushed wondering if that situation would've escalated if they kept eye contact..'No..Caesar stop that..it won't-..it won't happen..' He thought. He rubbed his face before looking back at Joseph and engaging more into their conversation once again. The alcohol started to kick in more, but not enough for them to be dazed and swaying.

•6 minutes later, Eventually they went to leave•

They payed the Bar-tender and tipped him an extra $30 for watching over their stuff while they were out.

'it won't happen'

Caesar stopped to have another cigarette outside where he went before, but in the small alleyway instead of out front. Joseph stood next to him and opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. 'I know I'm drunk, but..Caesar looks so...' Jojo thought. The moon-light peared in from the opening in the alleyway, lighting their faces in a light cobalt color. It was a beautiful night. Smoke occasionaly leaving Caesar's mouth as he had his eyes shut trying to supress his stupid thoughts about Jojo. When he went to put his cigarette out, his face was met with Joseph's. He was so close, almost uncomfortably close They looked into eachother's eyes, except Caesar tried to find any possible way to get away before Joseph placed a hand beside his head. Caesar gasped, his face was once again flushed, clearly nervous before Jojo went to speak. "Listen, it may just be me, and I may just be drunk, but...Right now I just can't help it, sorry in advance." He muttered smoothly. In the moment, it only made Caesar more nervous, but not in a bad way. Before he could even think, Jojo's free hand pulled him into a kiss. Caesar wanted to object but there's no way he could. He grabbed at Joseph's jacket wanting to have as much contact as possible in that moment.

Joseph pulled away for a second, seeing Caesar still holding onto his jacket and his face flushed. He looked away out of embarrasment trying to process what he just did. "I- um-.." Joseph stuttered before removing his hand from Caesar's chin and the wall, only now realising what he just did. "We- We should get going before Lisa Lisa gets worried, y'know?" Jojo nervously laughed with a sense on seriousness. Caesar snapped out of it, "Yea, l-let's go." He uttered before dusting himself off and went with Jojo back to the boat. He shook his head to clear his mind, hoping he could forget all this by tomarrow morning. Did he love it? Did he hate hit? At the time he didn't know.

It's not what he actualy wanted. They were drunk, it didn't mean anything..

•10 minutes later, they got off the boat•

Before they traveled back to their rooms, Suzie Q gave them a quick scolding about being out so late. It never crossed their minds that it was already 2 am, they've been out for 4-5 hours. "Yes, I'm sorry Suzie Q, I'll try my best to make sure it doesn't happen again." Caesar said with the best sincere smile he could muster before going back upstairs with Jojo to their shared room. Joseph not far behind, followed. They made it up all the way up the steps. Joseph whispered goodnight right before passing out on his bed. It was obvious to Caesar he wouldn't remember this moment by tomorrow, and he was glad. He decided to watch the sky befoer going to bed to possibly clear his head. He wanted to forget it even if the moment could've been once in a life time.

Caesar eventually went to bed on his own, feeling empty.

'tomorrow is another day..and god, I hope it's better than today' He knew it was already "tomorrow" but at that time, he could care less, his night was already bent out of shape. "Goodnight, Jojo..." He trailed off sleepily knowing Jojo couldn't hear his goodnight but felt obliged to say it anyway.

Tomorrow is another day.

To be continued in chapter 4 ->

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