Promise? part 1

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more angst and more fluff simply because I can
•mentions of self doubt
•intense scene (full of cringe)

•2 days later, 9:36 pm•

Even though the 2 had been feeling just fine, Caesar had his doubts. Not about anything Jojo had said or anything like that, really. More so- they were towards himself. He'd been doing great, training wise, he's been good at watching what he eats, how much sleep he's been getting, even taking it upon himself to do the shopping for Lisa Lisa. So what was causing all the doubt..?

"Caesar! What're you standing around for? C'mon and help me out!" Jojo shouted in Caesar's direction. As Caesar snapped out of it, he remembered what he was doing.

"You can beat any enemy in your path but can't carry a bag of spices? Please, you're hilarious, Jojo." Caesar teased.

"Shut up and help me!" Joseph whined. (To be fair, there was a lot of bags)

The 2 continued to pick on eachother as they slowly carried each bag back and forth from the delivery boat to the main kitchen. Despite the two having fun bickering and chatting, Caesar began to develop a headache. He was prone to them, and migraines weren't rare either. This headache was different- however. Usually when it happened, he'd grab a cigarette and chill on a balconey for a while.

"Hey Jojo, I'll be back. Don't miss me too much, ok?"

"What? Where're you off too?"

"My balconey. That shouldn't be a suprise-" Caesar gestured to his forehead.

"Ohh yea. Makes sence. Come back soon, ok? I've got a favor. Well, it's more like a question, same difference! See ya!" Joseph said before walking the other way.

Favor? A question? What was he talking about? Was it more advice on how to flirt with Susie? No. It was different this time. But it's supicious, why was he not being specific? Whatever. Nows not the time to stress.

•On Caesar's Balconey•

Caesar couldn't tell if 5 minutes had past or if it was 20. When he checked, his brand new pack was almost half gone. Time had flew so fast, but he felt like he'd been in the same spot for years. To apease himself and to not waste a whole pack of (very expensive) cigarettes, he put his last one out and entertained himself with his bubbles instead.

 To apease himself and to not waste a whole pack of (very expensive) cigarettes, he put his last one out and entertained himself with his bubbles instead

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It was dark out by now, that was obvious. He was brought back to his thoughts from earlier.

'What'd he want? What was Jojo talking about? Nevermind that. A favor out of nowhere? Unlike him. It's defiantly not what I think it is, but damnit. Was he just messing with me? We weren't even arguing but it still reminds me of when we were arguing. Right Enough of that Caesar, this self pity is driving you mad, get over yourself!'

Caesar tried not to cry, these bottled up emotions he thought he didn't have- They've been welling for who knows how long. Before he knew it, tears of anger flowed from his eyes. He ignored them at this point, it didn't bother him. "Screw this." He sneared before angrily wiping his tears away. "Crying over the past- crying over a stupid boy is not gonna make things better." He took this chance to leave, but not before glancing at the sky. "The one thing I'll never hate.." He whispered..

•5 minutes later•

'Where's Caesar? He's Usually back by now...' Joseph though, but it was short lived. "Caesar, there you are! What took so long?- Uh..Are you ok? Your eyes look puffy, and-"

"I know Joseph. You don't need to tell me. Anyway, what did you need earlier? You said you had a question? Your weird favor thing?" Caesar asked tiredly, hoping this goes by fast.

"Right..sorry. Uh- So I wanted to know if you'd be willing to help me out..Like. Kinda like our weird moment thing 2 days ago. It felt nice to finally get my emotions out, feelings I didn't even know I had! Y'know? I don't know if you've ever felt that way, heck, I'm not even sure how I feel right now. But you made me feel safe then. Safer than I've ever felt. Promise me...Promise me you won't leave. You'll be there for me- right? right?!-" Jojo shouted hastily, as if he was worried for his life. Caesar trying to comprehend it all just stood there, trying to find the right words for this moment.

. . .

"I know how you feel Jojo. I know it all too well. I promise- gah-" He was interupted by Joseph. A rushed hug, a mess of a man snivelling into Caesar's shoulder. "Woah, woah! Jojo, are you ok? What's gotten into you?" The genuine concern Caesar had felt then almost out-weighed his worries from before. To comfort his friend- No. To comfort Joseph, he hugged back, reassuring statements, like a parent to a scared kid. "Hey man, I get it. I do. I promise, I won't leave. I didn't before, remember?" He felt Jojo nod against his shoulder. He went to speak again, but Jojo had already pushed away and faced the other direction. Instinctualy, Caesar reached out a hand, but no response.



. . .

"You ever loved someone? Just. In general..maybe it was someone close to you..but you just felt like it was wrong?"


His chest pounded. He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears.

'Does he mean..what I think he means.?'

"Y-Yea..But, why do you ask?" His breath was shakey. Caesar had no idea what Jojo would say next. Quite frankly, neither did Joseph..It was silent. Too silent. All that was audible was the gentle air, but even then it was barely any sound.

"J-jojo?" Caesar awaited a response, almost hastily. Before Caesar could ask again, Joseph sprang back towards Caesar, but this time instead of a hug, it was..

a kiss..

Caesar had been long awaiting this moment, but he never expected it to come this early. Was Jojo being serious? He wasn't drunk like last time, and to provoke this much emotion-.. Jojo was dead serious, and his actions had meant as much as what he said. A long moment of silence between the two, before Joseph finally pulled away staring at the ground, but his red face still (very) visible.

Caesar's breath waa heavy, like he'd seen a ghost, face red hot, and confusion. Almost every emotion at once. "Joseph..w-..whats gotten into you. What-..Why-?"

"I'm sorry, Caesar. I.. I don't know what came over me-"

His words were short cut by the other, a long hug. They both needed one, especially after what happened. "Don't worry about it...Anything else you needed from me?" He asked quietly.

"No..that's it..thank you, Caesar..really, I mean it.." Jojo's eyes were brimming with tears again. "I know...I promise to not leave, Jojo. Ever. And you're welcome.."

After the silence slowly left and a few minutes of explination, they decided to return to their room after saying goodnight to Susie and Lisa Lisa. If they had to guess, it was around 11 pm or so. Instead of sleeping in seperate beds like normal, they thought it'd be better to share this time. A comforting time alone was something they both needed.
But was it really supposed to happen now..?

'You're not great at making friends for yourself, but when you do, it's true love, isn't it?'

Yes, yes it is.

To Be Continued in Chapter 6, part 2->

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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