Not One, but Two

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•I haven't written in a while so this might suck ass, LMAO
They start off the day training and picking on eachother, like usual.
•Exhausted after a hard days work, they decide to rest, but a hprifying image is brough back to Joseph's mind
•a lil bit of angst and a lil bit of fluff

Day after, Afternoon•

Caesar had made an early start to their training the next day, he felt great- In a sense. More energy, more motivation. To him, he didn't understand why but he didn't question it, perfect time for a level up in his hamon training. He was testing Machina more than Machina had been testing him.

On the other hand.

Joseph had woken up later, definatly tired. Muscles soar, body aching, no energy. Or at least, barely any at all. He usually doesn't work very hard (as much as he hates to admit it), so why was he so damn soar? Not even he knew.

When Joseph had finally gotten up to use the bathroom he stopped, meeting a tired and resting Caesar, (he'd been training all morning, and this was one of the only breaks Lisa Lisa would ever give him, so he took it). "Well, there you are, sleepy-head. Took you long enough! Where the hell have you been?" Caesar asked, but he wasn't upset. He was genuinly curious.

"Well obviously I've been asleep."

"I can tell-"

"Oh shut up- anyway, what are you doing lounging?"

"Lisa Lisa gave me a break, which means you have to work twice as hard. Kinda sucks for you."

"Oh haha, yea. I'll be back, don't miss me too much!" Jojo joked before walking to the bathroom.

"Trust me, I won't!" Caesar jested, though he knew he didn't mean it. Every moment he spent with Jojo he cherished as if it would be his last. After their fight months ago, he can't seem to leave Jojo's side unless he had too.

After a sigh left his mouth, he decided to wait for Joseph, even though he knew he'd take forever in there, (he always did). Despite all the work he'd been doing earlier he didn't feel sweaty or soar, (or anything that happens when you work too much).

"Jojo, are you almost done in there?

"Yes, I am." He said, as he opened the door. Feeling refreshed and getting some of his energy back. Though he didn't feel 100% back to normal.

"Yea, we should get going before Coach has our hides." Caesar joked, jesturing for Jojo to dollow him.

"You take her for a monster, Caesar."

"No, you see her as one. Really, she's not awful."

"Then why do you make it seem that way?"

"Because I like scaring you, it's very humorous."

"You're so mean to me, Caesar."
"Yea, I know."

Caesar's remarks were always seen as mean or somehow backhanded, but he never meant for it to feel that way. Hr usually does it to get someone laughing or to make light of situations. He couldn't tell if Jojo actualy thought he was being mean or just playing along, but the idea of even insulting him with the intension of being mean made him feel awful...

•Time skip, 4 hours, 6:37 pm•
(lil authors note, I'm watching JJBA part 2 rn, and it's the episode before Caesar's d34th 😭)

"Ugh, my shoulder-..I think I threw it out earlier. It hurts more than it should..." Joseph said before sitting on a chair in their shared bedroom.
"You can always ask Susie-Q to help you, yknow." Caesar said, before sitting across from Jojo.
"Why would I do that? I'll be fine!"

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