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Amity Blight sat in her comfortable office chair, one leg crossed over the other as she leaned back, her arms resting on each support. Her black business suit with a pink ribbon pinned to the lapel was pressed and crisp, and her green hair was pulled back out of her face. She was listening intently to her board of directors that were giving reports on the last year's achievements. Success was the summary of each presentation. The abominations that had become mass produced had successfully cleaned up the oceans of the Human Realm, pacified violent trouble spots around the globe, and they had even improved the lives of many humans by importing seemingly miraculous flora from the Boiling Isles that witches and demons had taken for granted for millennia. At a cost, of course.

None of it would have been possible without the laughable loopholes in human laws that had allowed her to create a trillion dollar company that could edge out the numerous corporations that were causing most of the Human Realm's issues in the first place. She often wondered if the business skills she had been taught as a child from her parents would make her a better person, but apparently they had.

"So Ms. Blight, do you have any plans for Christmas?"

The sudden change from strictly business to casual small talk took Amity by surprise. "I don't exactly see any reason to. It's not a Boiling Isles holiday." She said, narrowing her eyes, and the humans gathered around the table shifted awkwardly in their seats. "The abomitons..."

"Actually, ma'am..." interrupted Elliot, one of her most trusted board members, even if he was a bit of a suck up. "The whole... abomination thing... it still tends to offend some members of the populace. We've been workshopping a new brand." He continued, pressing a button on a remote to show an Abomination on a screen. "What do you think of the term 'Acquisitions'?"

"You think that'll improve people's cooperation with us?" Amity asked, to which everyone reluctantly nodded. "Keep workshopping it. I'll see you all tomorrow." She added, picking up her electronic tablet and standing from the table.

The table went silent until Elliot spoke up once more. "It's... it's Christmas Eve, ma'am."

Amity froze, glaring at him from under her brow. "So it is. Fortunately, as a multi dimensional corporation, Blight Industries does not recognize human celebrations. We're all on the verge of saving your world, and you want a day off? You can rest when we're done. Is that all?"

"Yes ma'am." Elliot murmured, and Amity continued walking away from the conference table.

She reached the door when her smart phone rang and she answered it without skipping a step. "Blight." She answered, then sighed. "Alright. Send her up... Yes, it's fine." She continued, hanging up, clenching her fist around her phone. "That's all for today, people." She said to the board of directors still grumbling around the table. "I'll be in my office."

Amity was straightening out the surface of her large office desk, cursing herself for feeling nervous. She wanted to be angry. She should be angry. The idea that she was nervous was ridiculous. Still, she couldn't help it, and she continued to move items around her desk in an effort to focus herself. "Ms. Blight?" She heard, and she looked up to see a human security guard in the black and purple uniform of her company holding the elbow of a thirty year old human female of Dominican ancestry, with shoulder length dark hair, bright brown eyes, and wearing a red beanie with her green winter jacket.

"Thank you, Anthony. I've got this." Amity replied, slowly and purposely placing her hands flat on her desk.

"Yeah, Anthony. She's got this." Luz said, glaring at the security guard. The guard heaved a sigh and turned, walking away and Luz stuck her tongue out at him, making a raspberry sound.

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