The Bridge

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Y/N's P.O.V

Ekko led us out of the room and I was speechless from what I saw. A real tree, with houses on and all around it. -"Is that a real tree?" Vi asked Ekko. -"Pretty cool, huh? When I found it I knew this was the place. If a single seed can make it down here, we can too." He replied. -"It's impressive. You build all this?" I asked. -"Not alone. Down here we're all helping each other." He replied. -"That's nice. Wish more people were like you." I smiled at him.

-"Anyway, you wanted to free the Enforcer. Why? What's she doing here?" He asked. -"She's trying to get Silco, but now when she found out how powerful he actually is. I think she just wants to get the blue stone back to Piltover." I explained to him. -"Yeah, we'll see about that." He replied and led us back to the cell they were holding us in. Me and Vi waited behind a corner for our dramatic entrance. He openned it and first send in some kid with a bowl of water. Once the kid took off the bag from Cait's face she pushed the bowl out of his hands. The kid got startled and ran away. -"Look, whatever you want. Your bussiness is with me. I brought them here, it's me you want." She said to Ekko.

That's when me and Vi took a place next to Ekko. -"So heroic." I smiled at her. -"Wha- I thought they were hurting you!" She yelled at us. -"Totally, but you know me. I didn't go down easy." I told her, my smile not fading. -"Y/N tells me I can trust you. But I'll keep my eye on you." Ekko said to Cait. He gave me a knife and I went to cut her ropes. -"You're a bitch, you know that?" Cait said, although she didn't really mean that. -"Of course. How could I forget? You keep reminding me." I replied, helping her up.

Once we walked out of the cell all eyes were on us again. -"Ekko, I gotta talk to Powder." Vi said. -"She's not Powder anymore Vi." Ekko replied. -"No, you're wrong. She's still in there. We just need to reach her." I told him. -"Lemme show you something." He said and took us to a big wall with portraits of people, young us included. -"These are all the people we lost, the price for our freedom." He told us. -"Wait, why's my nose so big on that drawing?" I asked. -"They actually captured it perfectly." Vi replied. it really that big? I wondered about my nose while Vi watched me with a smile.

-"Now, tell me what do you know about this, Piltie." He openned the box again and showed the blue stone to Cait. -"It's...Gemstone. Piltover needs it back, it can be very dangerous in the wrong hands." Cait replied. -"And why should we give it back go you if it's so powerful?" He asked her. -"Look....I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to keep it. I only now saw how bad things are down here. And if you'll allow me to bring this back to Piltover I can convince the Council. And there may finally be peace." Cait told him. Damn, I knew she always wanted to do the right thing but...Damn.

-"Hmm, I got one condition." Ekko said afterwards. -"I'm the one who gives it to them." He added. -"Deal." I answered for Cait. -"Then what are we waiting for? We have two cities to save." Ekko shut the box again and led us towards the exit.

Before we left, some woman stopped us. -"Ekko! I know you're probably in a hurry, but my boys haven't returned from the patrol you send them on." She said desperately. Ekko looked back at me. Shit, that must be a mother of those Firelights I killed. -"Don't worry Maria. I'm sure they just stopped at Jericho's. Who wouldn't be hungry after the job they pulled." He replied to her. -"I'm just worried, they would let me know." She said. -"I'm sure everything is fine. We'll talk after I get back, okay?" He told her and she nodded. As we were passing the woman spoke once more. -"Thank you for helping us." She smiled at me. I couldn't look her in the eyes and just let my head down, following Ekko.

Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. -"It wasn't your fault, I saw what happened....Powder made you do it." Vi told me. -"I shouldn't have used my powers back there." I replied. -"Hey, you were only trying to protect us. Don't blame yourself for that." She stopped and looked me in the eyes. -"But I should've known it would end badly. Explosions never end well." I told her. -"You did what you thought was right. You didn't mean to kill them and that's what matters, even when they thretened your best friend you didn't aim to kill. You're a good person. Don't blame yourself for something you didn't even want to do." She told me, gently lifting my chin. I looked at her speechless. I never thought she could say something like this...

I quickly pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly. -"Damn, I hope you're not crying on me now." She smiled and hugged me back. -"Shut up." I said, brushing my teary eyes into her jacket. -"I missed you." I told her. -"Finally, you admitted it." She chuckled. -"I missed you too."  She added.

-"Hate to interupt, but we gotta move." Ekko said suddenly. -"Oh, come on! You could've at least give them that moment." Cait replied to him. -"I gave them enough time already. We haven't got all day, it'll be dark soon." He said. I pulled away from Vi and she brushed a tear running down my cheek. -"Don't cry. It doesn't suit you. But well, what does?" She chuckled. And she's back....I love her though. I playfully pushed her with my shoulder and we walked with the rest of the crew, smiling like little kids.

—Few minutes later, at the bridge—

-"How do you feel about coming back to Piltover after all this?" Cait asked me. -"Strange. It's like, I don't know, I found myself down there. I was learning how to control myself up here. But the only time I was feeling really me was down there, doing whatever I wanted." I replied. -"Don't worry, we'll fix this. We'll bring peace to Piltover and Undercity. And then you'll be free to be whoever you want to be." She said. -"And what about you? How do you feel about all this?" I asked her in return. -"Honestly. I-" Suddenly Cait got interupted by Vi. -"I can't leave her." She said. -"She's too far gone." Ekko replied to her, knowing she's talking about Powder. -"No, she's still in there. I know I can reach her." She replied. Ekko sighned. -"Just don't get yourself killed." He walked to her and gave her a bro hug. -"No promises." She chuckled.

Cait then walked to her and also hugged her. -"Thanks for taking care of Y/N, bet it was no easy task, Cupcake." She smiled in the hug. -"No, it certainly wasn't." Cait chuckled. Um, hello? I'm right here! Cait then stepped back and my eyes met Vi's. -"Don't look at me like that, I'm coming with you." I told her. -"Y/N....your place is up here." She replied. -"Bullshit, my place is with you! We always do jobs together, remember?" I raised my voice at her. -"I'm sorry. Not this time. They'll need you more up here." She replied. I know she's right....but I don't want her to be. Again in a bliss I went to hug her. -"It was real, Match. Thanks for everything." She said burrying her face in the crook of my neck. -"If you die, I'll kill you when you come back." I told her doing the same. -"Deal." She chuckled.

Before she started walking away she caressed my cheek with her thumb. I watched her dissapear in the fog on the bridge. -"Y/N, we should keep moving." Cait layed her hand on my shoulder, I nodded and followed her and Ekko. God, I hope she'll get Powder back. Suddenly a bright light blinded us. -"Halt!" I heard Sheriff Marcus's voice. -"Sheriff Marcus, it's us! Caitlyn Kiremman and Y/N!" Cait told him, loudly enough so he could hear her. -"Kiremman?" He walked to her. -"And who's that?" He asked reffering to Ekko. -"We need him to meet the council, he has-" Suddenly Marcus shot Ekko. -"Ekko!" I tried running to him but Marcus shot at me too, his bullet barely missing my head. -"Stop right there!" He yelled, changing his aim between me and Cait.

-"What are you doing?!" Cait asked him shocked. -"You just couldn't let it be!" He replied pressing the gun to her forehead. I tried taking a few steps foward but the other Enforcers aimed their rifles at me. -"I never wanted to do this, but you just had to be so stubborn!" Marcus yelled at both me and Cait. -"You corrupted bastard!" I yelled at him, but he paid no mind to me. -"You're a coward Marcus! Why are you doing this?! What did he promise you, huh? Money? Fame?" I kept yelling at him. -"You know nothing!" He yelled not taking his eyes off Cait, but not making the shot either. His hand was shaking. He's afraid...

Suddenly I saw a mechanical butterfly. What the hell? One was floating right infront of me. His head lit up green and he exploded. I only managed to get my arm infront of my face but the force knocked me back. I hit my head against the concrete and that was it, everything got black...

Don't you worry guys and gays, next chapter will have more action! Until then!

Love, Nekdo<3

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