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It wasn't over... It still isn't over...


Yes, we should.

Ashi's reply read. The notification I was waiting for for two hours finally appeared on my mobile screen. A wide grin covered my face, but at the same time, I sensed that my heart was beating fast too, seeing Ashi's reply. I don't know why!!! Ashi has been such a sweetheart. She has never disappointed me whenever I've asked her for something. And today too, when I asked her for something completely random, something that she may not even imagine in her weirdest dreams, she had still come up with a positive response. Such a sweet girl she is!!

I had actually come to my bedroom to get the laptop charger and I just paused reading that reply. The smile didn't leave my lips, and keeping the mobile in my pocket, I walked to the balcony of my bedroom and opened it by pushing the slider. It was 5:30 in the evening and the sun was on its way to meet the horizon. One of the major reasons that I chose to buy this house was this beautiful sight of the sunset from both the balconies of my house. It's always such a spectacular sight. I closed my eyes for a moment and inhaled the air deeply. I don't know why but I was feeling so good. Whether it was the magic of this serene sunset or the calm January breeze or the effect of the reply of the person who is always so good to me, so nice to me. I didn't know. She agreed for the videos.... She has said yes to the collaboration... I couldn't believe it myself... With a deep breath, I opened my eyes, and I started thinking about the various scenarios when Ashi would be here, at my home, for the reel shoot.

When would she come here? Today is Thursday. So... Maybe tomorrow?? Or... this weekend???

I should ask her when she would have a day off.

What time should I tell her to come? Like in the morning? 

I think that should work. If she comes in the morning, then we can shoot at least 3-4 good reels together... or if the time permits, then 5-6. I'll tell her to have lunch here itself and will tell Pawan to cook her favourite Biryani. 

Would she be comfortable if I ask a third person to stay here to help us with the shooting? Would that be okay for her?

I'll ask her first. And if she says no, then it's totally fine. I just want her to be comfortable. And if the presence of the third person makes her conscious, then I'll do everything myself. We can even order food. There's no need for even Pawan to stay. 

What songs should we make reels on? 

I should look at what are all the trending ones. And also some of the unique and hatke ones too, something our fans would like.

What should I do as I open the door? Welcome with a big smile of course!! A hug maybe? 

Well... it has been so looonnngggg that we have even casually hugged.

How would it be to meet her after so long? What should I talk about first? 

There of course has to be some casual chat between us. I don't want to barge in on the topic of shooting straightaway. 

I chuckled and just slapped my head for the wanderlust. Why was I so excited for this? And whyyyy am I thinking this much? In a few days, it will be exactly a year since we last met face to face in that talk show. She was looking so cute that time.... Chubby-chubby... a bit healthier... but still looking so beautiful... I remember I had teased her for her chubby cheeks and also for putting on some weight. I had pulled her cheeks as if I was playing with a little girl. Ahhh!!! I just love to pull her cheeks. But look at her now... there's a complete 180° shift in her regarding her fitness.

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