Chapter 3

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Just like that everything came crashing down, chief zo qua pulled out his shares from the knight empire and stopped every form of distribution to them, stocks began to fall and other stock holders started pulling out their shares, and how the press found out about it was something Eric couldn't understand cause before he knew it , knight empire was on the news with a bold headline.


Everything was happening so fast and there was nothing Eric could do about it, few days to Christmas and his world was crumbling, he was angry and at the same time confused, for the first time in Eric Xavier's life, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to handle the situation and there was no other person to blame than Victoria, she sold him out to the enemy, his own wife, betrayed him.

Anger and pain flooded his heart and mind, he was furious beyond the point of reasoning and with that anger he left the office to face the cause of his problem, his dearly beloved wife.

Immediately his driver pulled into his drive way Eric came down from the car and slammed the door ,he ignored the greetings of his staff and headed straight to the kitchen where he was sure Victoria would be, and the sight of her only made him more angry.

"how dare you do this to me!?" Eric shouted at her.

Victoria was confused at her husbands behavior, she has never seen him as angry as he was today and it terrified her, she left the office on time just so she could prepare dinner for him because she noticed he was worried all through the weekend and ever since she came home she has been busy in the kitchen preparing all of Eric's favorite food.

"do what exactly calm down baby what's wrong" Victoria said when the maid that was assisting her excused them.

"you traitor!, i thought i could trust you, you gold digger!" Eric said .

"what's going on exactly and please do not call me names Eric" Victoria said.

"i thought i could trust you Victoria, I thought my money was enough for you, but hell no, you are just a greedy slut, whosoever is more wealthy has your loyalty and to think i thought you were the best thing that has ever happened to me" Eric said.

"how dare you say such things to me, how dare you Eric, no matter what's going on i deserve your respect because I've earned it!" Victoria said with an anger of her own as the tears she has been holding back came running down her face.

"gold diggers don't deserve respect!, you are a traitor and ill treat you and speak to you as one, now tell me what's in it for you!, tell me what his offering you!" Eric said and pinned Victoria to the edge of the kitchen counter.

"stop this this instant Eric, you better stop saying rubbish to me, i am your wife!" Victoria said and wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hands, she wasn't going to cry for this man ever again, he didn't deserve her tears.

"And trust me i regret that decision, that's the worst thing i have ever done in my life, the day i made you my wife" Eric said.

Victoria slapped him and pushed him off her, he was talking like the old Eric she knew, this man in front of her wasn't her husband, he wasn't the same man she has been living with for the past two years, this is Eric Xavier knight from the chapter one of their love story, definitely not the man she married or the man that saved her life.

"do you know what couples do when the face challenges? they solve it together and not shout at each other, they find ways to get through it and not call each other names, but i guess we are not that couple cause you will always be an asshole" Victoria said and tried leaving the kitchen but Eric held her wrist, stopping her.

"i don't buy this silly pity party act of yours, when i find what you are getting in exchange of this, I swear you will regret ever crossing me" Eric said and let go of her wrist which left a mark there.

Victoria didn't know what to do or how to react, she was hurt and angry at the same time, she sighed and fought back the tears that was threatening to spill from her eyes, she had to be strong and get to the root of everything, so picked up her phone that has been laying on the counter ever since she got home, she was surprised to see thirty missed calls, her mum and dad both called her ten times, then Isabella and Alexa called and tony too, she decided to check her messages and saw ten messages all from Isabella telling her to check the news and pick up her phone.

she rushed to the sitting room and put on the tv, and that's when she saw it, the breaking news was all over, the fall of the knight empire, now she understood the reason for Eric's outburst, Victoria grabbed the edge of the chair to prevent her from falling as she lost her balance due to the shock from the news.

the she saw Daniel on the news telling everyone she was the one who revealed to him that her marriage with Eric was based on a contract and that Eric used her to seal many deals and that's why she decided to confine in him cause she knew he would help her.

automatically Victoria went from shocked to angry, now everything was clearer, Daniel was using her name to destroy her husband and family, that rat, but as if the bad news she just received wasn't enough the breaking news tore her heart out with the heading line.





I hate Eric too




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