Chapter 2

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Eric tried his best to hide the worry in his heart from Victoria, he didn't want to get her worked up when he knew it was something he had control of, so he spent the rest of his Sunday in the company of his charming wife and beautiful children masking his fear and much as he could.

he knew Daniel never made empty threats and he was capable of doing anything he says cause Daniel was malicious and cony, he was a rat that one should be wary of, and with hatred and envy fueling his actions he was a dangerous enemy, and Eric knew that so well, with shantel out of the way as a shield he knew Daniele was capable of anything.

"Babe are you okay?" Victoria asked her husband as they prepared for work the following day.

she had a gut feeling that something was wring and he was tiring to hide it from her, she knew Eric so well, he eats little whenever something was on his mind, and the constant sighing was the proof that her guts were right.

"yeah sure cupcake, I'm fine" Eric said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"you know better than to lie to me right?" she said with her arms crossed on her chest.

"i do and i promise its nothing babe, or tho i would be leaving the office by ten" he said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

But Victoria knew better, something was definitely wrong and he was shielding her from it, all she could do was pray it wasn't something they wouldn't be able to solve, so she smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the lips and they both left the house.

Eric wasn't happy lying to her but he wasn't left with any other option, he couldn't tell her what was really going on, while at the office he kept on checking the time, he really wanted all this to be done and over with, he hated being in this position and definitely he knew he would get out of it, that's why before the clock strike ten he was already seated at the coffee shop waiting for Daniel.

"you really missed me? wow am touched Eric" Daniel said and took the seat opposite Eric with a bold smirk plastered on his face.

"what do you want?" Eric said the irritation he felt was visible in his voice.

"aww don't i get a cup of coffee first? didn't you miss me?" Daniel said smirking.

"Get to the point before i loose my patience" Eric said coldly like the calm before the storm.

"okay fine no coffee for me, lets get to the point, sad but i can work with it....... anyways all i want is fifty percent of the china deal, even tho we both know that deal was rightfully mine in the first place but am not selfish like you so ill take fifty percent, or chief zo qua finds out you bullied an innocent girl into marrying you just to get the contract, tsk tsk tsk... i don't think that would end well for the knight empire" Daniel said with a victorious smile plastered on his face, he knew he had Eric just where he wanted him.

"you bastard what makes you think ill give you fifty percent just cause you are threatening me, too blinded with greed that you forget i have never been easily swayed" Eric said with his anger growing by the seconds.

"Trust me i if i was thinking i wouldn't be here, ill still be planning other ways to screw you over, as we speak zo qua is in a meeting with one person he trusts with life and that person has a copy of the contract between you and Victoria and a video of Victoria cursing you with everything in her, and i got the copy of your contract from Victoria, she gave it to me, it might be hard for you to believe but Victoria has played a very big roll in this also, how then did you think i got hold of her copy of the contract?" Daniel said with a huge smirked plastered on his face.

Eric told himself countless times to not believe him, Victoria loved him right? she wouldn't do such a thing to him, she couldn't be responsible for this, its not possible right?, and as if Daniel knew he was fighting a battle inside himself he brought out his phone and showed Eric the picture of Victoria's copy of their contract marriage, and at that moment Eric's heart shattered into thousand pieces.

"wait you thought i was bluffing? seriously you should know i never bluff Eric whatever i say i would do, ill definitely do it" Daniel said with a smile of victory plastered on his face.

"so what is it going to be Eric? do i get what's rightfully mine or do we both loose it all?, the ball is in your court now" Daniel said.

"ill never give you what you want that's for sure and you lying against my wife..... that's something i won't tolerate from you, this meeting is over, you can as well go back to whatever hole you crawled out from" Eric said and stood up.

"you'll regret this that's for sure" Daniel said but Eric ignored him and left the coffee shop.

The ride to the office was a short but hurtful one, Eric was at war with his heart and mind, Victoria couldn't do that to him right, he loves her and she loves him too right? she couldn't destroy him this way right? but how then did Daniel get hold of her own copy of the contract? how then did he get a video of her saying he forced her into marrying him?

"sir" Eric's driver said to him when he pulled open the door.


"we are at the office already" he said.

that's when Eric realized that they were already at the office, he was lost in thoughts that he didn't notice that they had arrived, he nodded at his driver and got out of the car, immediately his phone rang and the caller id made him freeze on the spot.

"hello zo qua" he said mustering all the courage he had left.

"you lied to me, you tricked me Eric, how dare you?" zo qua said angrily

"i did lie to you, what exactly is going on zo qua" Eric said as confidently as he could.

"the deal is off Eric, you breeched the contract, and you will pay the consequence for it, i promise you" zo qua said and ended the call.

This couldn't be happening.


Hello lovelies

i hope you are enjoying reading this?

things are getting interesting.


until next time

(drops pen).

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