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Tears spilled down Victoria's face as she rushed into the hospital, immediately she saw the news she made her way to the hospital where Eric was taken to, even though he was a jerk and an asshole he was still the father of her kids and they needed him.

"where's my husband" Victoria asked the nurse at the counter

"He is being operated on right now ma'am ,please kindly wait here ma'am" a nurse said to Victoria .

After two hours of waiting one of the doctors finally came out of the theater and immediately Victoria laid her eyes on him she barged him with questions.

"wait one at a time ma'am, your husband is alive and fine, one of his leg was fractured so we had to perform a surgery on the leg, the surgery was successful and right now he is being moved to a private recovery room and in no time you would be able to see him" the doctor said to Victoria hoping this information would calm her down.

"thank you so much doctor......" Victoria said not knowing his name

"David.. doctor David"

"thanks doctor David, thank you" she said.

A little sense of relieve washed over Victoria, he was out of danger now, that's all that mattered, but then the relive she felt was immediately replaced with the reminder of the issues they were facing at the moment, the future of their kids were in danger now, the knight empire was a legacy they had to leave for their kids, the knight empire was the inheritance their kids had, and it failing or crashing would only mean that they failed their kids, Zion and pearl deserves the world, and above all she had to clear her name and put Daniel in his place, so she took a deep breathe and made up her mind that she had to fix this, not for Eric definitely not for that asshole, but for herself and for her kids, she was going to solve all this.

with that decision she called her parents and asked them to ready their private jet for her, she called tony to come look after Eric and called her sister to come take care of the kids, she was going to china, and she was definitely going to fix all this, and as fast as she could she left the hospital, when she arrived at her house Isabella was already there, immediately she saw her she hugged her, her sister was like a rock solidly behind her, they have become inseparable.

"how are you?" Isabella asked her and pulled her back in for another hug.

that's when Victoria broke down, the tears she has been holding back, all the courage she has been mustering came crashing down, she wasn't fine but she had to be, so she wiped her tears off and tried to give her sister a smile but the tears came back running down her face.

"Shhhhhh its going to be alright sis, everything would be fine" Isabella said and pulled her back in for a hug, as she too tried holding back the tears that was forming at the bank of her eyes, she had to be strong for Victoria.

"I have to go to china Isabella, I have to fix this, the future of my kids depends on this, this is their future Isa this is what we have to pass on to them, we cant fail them, I cant fail my son" Victoria said after wiping her tears off.

"okay I totally support you, but how will you fix this and what does going to china have to do with everything?" Isabella asked.

"Eric married me in the beginning because of the china contract and now chief zo qua found out and pulled out his stock and terminated the contract with the knight empire, and so did other stock holders, they are saying the knight empire cant be trusted and our partners has put everything on hold until we resolve the issue, our stocks has dropped Isabella, my children's future is threatened" Victoria said everything as fast as she could while she pack her bags.

"okay but what will you do in china and you do know that its four days to Christmas right and china is a fourteen hours flight" Isabella said.

"that's why i need you to take care of Zion and pearl and ill be leaving with our parents private jet, ill be back before Christmas" Victoria said and hugged her sister and made her way out of the house.

"Be careful" Isabella said to her sister as she left.

Victoria drove to the airport where the private jet was waiting for her thanks to her parents who responded immediately without questioning her, instead they were at the airport waiting for her and she knew they had questions for her.

"baby please be careful" her mother said to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I will mum and i promise ill explain when I fix this" she said and pulled out of the hug, she couldn't waste anymore time.

"if you need my help don't hesitate to ask okay?" her father said.

"sure dad, bye, please take care of my kids please" victoria said and entered the private jet.

honestly she didn't know how she was going to fix this but she had to, this time around it wasn't about her or Eric, this time it was about their kids and they are the most important factors right now aside the fact that Daniel had to pay for lying against her and using her.

she has no idea of what she was going to do when she comes face to face with zo qua but she was going to give it her best shot, whatever it was going to take, she was going to do it, this time around she was going to be the one to save them all, she would fix it, and she had fourteen hours to come up with something.

They flew for hours without making any stop, she knew she was stressing every one on the jet but honestly she would rather stress them than for her children's future to be destroyed and for the fourteen hours they were in the air she didn't eat or drink anything, or though the flight attendants tried getting her something to eat, she refused but after much pressure she too a glass of milk to calm her down which made her feel sleepy afterwards.

A little tap on Victoria's leg woke her up, the flight attendant had a smile on her face and without a word Victoria already knew why she woke her up, they had arrive, she was in china.

"welcome to china ma'am"


Hello lovelies!

hope youve enjoyed this little piece so far?

do you think victoria would be able to fix it all and return home before christmas?


until next time

(drops pen)

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