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A party was not what she had in mind. Much less something she had planned.
But it was just what she needed. Exactly where she was.

Y/N, not knowing exactly how she got there, found herself surrounded by powerful music and people enjoying a typical Friday night at one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul.

As she was in her second year, she could easily distinguish who were new students and who were not.

She had no close friends, just a group of people that she used to talk to between classes. But that didn't matter to her at all; her priority in her life was never to be popular.

However, when she needed a clearance from her thoughts, she used to party. She could not -nor did she need to- hide it; she liked that lifestyle. Despite being diligent in her studies and having excellent grades, she never limited her fun.

Y/N let out a sigh and smiled slightly, leaving all her worries aside, away from that moment.

It was then that she felt a strong gaze upon her. At the sensation, she licked her lips and leaned better on the bar counter. She didn't know who had their eyes on her with such intensity, but she didn't want to give it more importance than it should have, so she simply rested her gaze on the dance floor.

She smiled when she saw Chris in the distance, dancing with Sam. It was not a secret that they were made for each other; all the people who knew them agreed on it. But they ignored that fact, of course.

"Alone at the party, precious?"

A male voice was suddenly heard from beside her, making her turn around.

"You need something?" Y/N tilted her head with a raised eyebrow.

The boy smiled and winked at her.

"Your number and a good glass of alcohol."

The girl gave a slight laugh and turned completely towards him.

"Such a pity, you'll only get the glass." She smiled and jerked her head to point at the bartender.

Then the boy licked his lips, amused and fascinated by the fact of being provoked in that way.

"Oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow, approaching her. "I don't think so..."

Y/N put her hands in her pockets to avoid any misunderstanding and leaned back. The boy, who had already tried to seduce her thousands of times, licked his lips again:

"What's the matter, Y/N? Is that-?

"Leave her alone, Gavin. She's with me."

The girl's shoulders were surrounded by an arm and her body was drawn towards the newcomer's.

Gavin looked up at the boy next to Y/N, and clenched his jaw, swallowing his words as he recognized him. Then, he left the place with resentment.

The girl watched him go, noting how little time it took him before heading to the next girl at the start of the bar. She rolled her eyes. Then she felt the weight on her shoulders again.

Slowly, she ducked slightly and took a step forward, turning around and facing the boy who had interrupted Gavin's unsuccessful attempt. When their eyes met, she could not help raising an eyebrow.

"Mh... as far as I can remember I am not accompanied." She murmured.

Wooyoung giggled and clicked his tongue.

"You'd be with me instead of him."

Y/N narrowed her eyes, interested in the confidence the boy displayed, even though they had not spoken at all for the past few years. Although it did not seem like it.

"Are you alone?"

"Oh please! Don't you start now..."

Wooyoung laughed once more and shook his head.

"It's not common to party on your own, you know? It's just that." He defended himself.

Y/N rolled her eyes in amusement and crossed her arms:

"So I'm interesting because of it."

"Do you want a drink?"

At that moment, the girl fell silent and stared at him for a while.

"No..." she hesitated. "I'm fine."

Wooyoung slowly nodded and sighed, leaning against the bar.

"I see you know the rumors."

Of course she did.

Indeed, it was not unusual for anyone to know Wooyoung's name on campus. He was an attractive boy and, from what everyone could appreciate through his small details, he was very wealthy for his age. It was not a secret that the gossips claimed that his income level was thanks to the sale of drugs.

And despite that, the boy had never bothered to deny it at all.

"I won't try to make you trust me." He said, shrugging. "It's been a while after all."

The girl continued silently and nodded slowly, bringing her attention calmly to the mass of people dancing in front of them. She did not understand what caused Wooyoung's sudden interest in her.

But she might not want to do it either.

Y/N turned around and hit the bar a couple of times, drawing the attention of the guy in charge. She then ordered alcohol for both of them and handed the glass to Wooyoung.

He smirked and accepted the drink, taking a long sip.

Y/N mimicked his action and then sighed.

"You dance?"

Hearing him, she turned and focused her gaze on him, although he was not looking at her, and she thought about it for a few seconds.


Wooyoung turned to her slowly and smiled. He had forgotten certain details in her way of being, but he could not deny that the girl attracted a lot of his attention with each of her responses.

"Oh, I hope I'm lucky." He winked at him with a smile and put the glass aside, starting to walk towards the center of the dancefloor.

Y/N smiled unconsciously and bit her lip like every time she doubted whether to do something or not. However, within seconds, she finished her glass and followed the boy into the center of the place.

Wooyoung did not ignore her presence, and turned towards her to dance face to face. The girl smiled at him without breaking  eye contact, and followed his movements.

They began to dance to the rhythm of the music, each in their own style, without taking their eyes off each other. They both ignored their minds, letting themselves be carried away by the moment and their movements.

Words were unnecessary, their looks said everything they needed. Wooyoung took a step closer. Y/N did not back down.

He raised an eyebrow. She smiled.

Then, Wooyoung leaned closer and placed his hand on her waist. Y/N stayed in place, concentrating her eyes on his.

For some reason, her mind had completely shut off. She had come there seeking a mental clearing, and it was being more than she could ever imagine.

Her arms went up to the boy's shoulders and clasped her hands behind the back of his neck.

At that moment the atmosphere changed. Their steps and movements as they danced became slower and slower, and everything around them seemed further and further away.

And then, they froze. Their movements stopped and they stayed in place, looking directly at the pupils of the other and feeling the touch of each other on their body.

As if their gazes had been the signal they needed, Wooyoung slowly lowered his face to hers. Y/N didn't move an inch trying to stop him, but just closed her eyes and let it happen.

It was then that she felt his lips on hers. The touch made her feel that singular adrenaline that ran through her body every time she did something following only her instincts and desires. She loved it.

Then, without letting a single second pass, she followed the kiss.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now