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The next morning, Y/N woke up on the edge of the bed. As soon as she opened her eyes, that pressure in her chest was present once again. The night before, after discovering Chase's message on Wooyoung's cell phone, an uneasy feeling ran through her body and, despite undoing all her moves and going back to bed, she couldn't fall asleep until an hour later.

Unable to ignore her thoughts, she took a seat and got up in a second, moving from the cup that rested on the cabinet next to her. Overlooking everything, really. She just wanted to get ready and get out of there.

As soon as she was ready, she left the apartment and headed to the university. She had barely traveled a few meters when she decided to take out her cell phone and make a call.

"Y/N!" Within seconds his voice came on the line.

"Hello, Sam," she smiled. "Are you already in college?"

"No, I still have a few blocks left, did something happen?"

"Can we meet in the cafeteria before the first block?" She asked. "I have something to tell you."

"Sure, I'll start running!"

And then the call ended.

Ignoring that pressure on her chest, she blocked her cell phone and watched the road again. However, within seconds her hand began to vibrate again.

Incoming call

Her gaze stared at the once again illuminated screen, not knowing what to do. She wasn't mad at the boy, but she didn't want to hear from him either. Even she couldn't fully fathom what she was feeling.

And answering him wouldn't help.

So, she put her cell phone away again and left it as a missed call. Then, she continued on her way, arriving on campus in a matter of minutes. Luckily for her, she wasn't the only one, because at that moment, Sam had just crossed to the building.

Their eyes met and a smile appeared on both of their faces. Wasting no time, they approached and entered the establishment, walking directly towards the cafeteria.

"What was it you wanted to tell me yesterday, Sam?" the girl asked as they passed through the corridors.

"Oh yes..." The boy was embarrassed for a few seconds and then he laughed. "I broke my record for gummies eaten in one minute."

Y/N was silent, staring in disbelief at her friend. It took her only a few moments to sink in that Samuel had tried to contact her the day before only to tell her that he now ate more gummies than before.

"Are you telling me that..." she asked slowly, "... now you can eat more than fifty in a minute?"


"That's incredible!" It didn't take long to accompany the emotion of her best friend and they both burst out laughing. They had been together the day the first record was set; if she thought about it carefully, it was quite an achievement.

"But, well... what did you want to tell me?"

Sam turned all his attention to Y/N and her features, knowing that if something went wrong, there would be little details that would give away her lies. The girl looked away slightly, seeing that they were approaching the cafeteria. However, before she could get there, her eyes met Jung Wooyoung's across the hall. Y/N kept her eyes on him for a few seconds and turned away, without reciprocating his small smile.

"It's..." she turned her focus back to Sam, "...about college."

Then, she took the boy by the shoulders and they entered the place together.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now