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After what happened with HM, the four went directly to meet Chase, who was waiting for them at the side of the factory. When they arrived, Y/N noticed that everyone there made their features even more serious and kept their chins high, totally refusing to show any sign of inferiority. Without even hesitating, she tried to imitate their expressions, as if nothing of that bothered her in the least.

"I thought I was clear with K last time." Chase snapped as soon as he saw them appear. "You're late."

Mingi licked his lips and cracked his neck:

"We had a-"

"Nuisance." Wooyoung interrupted him with a serious tone of voice, getting all eyes on him.

Chase made eye contact with the boy and smiled slightly, displaying a certain amusement.

"Do you know how much my time costs?"

Y/N saw over Chase's shoulder three big men behind him, who —surely— must have been armed. It was at that moment that she again felt the firmness of Wooyoung's hand resting on her hip, helping to convince herself of her safety.

"Why do you think I got rid of it?" Jung paused. "Are you going to continue wasting time?"

Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise at the way Wooyoung had just talked to the person who held in his hands the power to financially and literally destroy him.

However, Chase giggled a little and shook his head, looking down for a few seconds before looking back at them.

"It's easy to see why K sent you." He finally smiled and nodded at him, causing his men to open the door of their truck.

Instinctively, the three boys approached to receive the shipment, leaving Wooyoung in charge of the payment process. Y/N stood a few steps back, deciding not to interfere in the slightest, and simply appreciated the way they got the job done. Everything seemed so natural; neither doubted their actions nor put the other at risk. It was almost like taking a walk for them.

Or so they made it look.

Then she noticed Chase pulling Jung away from the group and saying a few things to him.

Out of her curiosity, she kept her eyes on them and analyzed the way Wooyoung reacted to the words that she clearly couldn't hear. However, after a few minutes the boy shook his head and received a card from Chase, returning later to her side.

The mission had been completed.

"We're done." He murmured, wrapping his arm around Y/N's hip again and walking toward the vehicle.

Once they got back to the car, HM's body was gone, so they just packed up the new cargo and left the place. This time, on the way back, Y/N could feel the great difference in the tension of her muscles now that the environment inside the vehicle was not silent. Although the boys were talking as if nothing had happened, Hwang continued to relive the events over and over again, from what happened with that rookie that Wooyoung took it upon himself to reduce, to Chase's presence. The last of the scenes was the one that was mostly repeated inside her because, unlike HM, Chase had not shown even a little interest in her. It was almost as if she had never been there.

"Does everyone know about you?" The girl asked as soon as she and Wooyoung were alone back in his car. "I have a feeling you've become famous for these circles..." She raised an eyebrow and smiled, looking at the boy in the driver's seat.

Wooyoung imitated her action and smiled slightly, starting the engine and starting to go back to his house.

"K trust me." He replied with a shrug and licked his lips.

"Why?" She continued. "I mean... why you?"

It was the first time that Y/N had asked any questions about Jung's work, so she was careful not to be too invasive when questioning it.

The vehicle stopped at a red light, and Wooyoung turned to her with the corner of his mouth raised.

"Because I didn't hesitate to dispute him." He answered, looking back to the road. "Why would you trust someone who only complies and follows? It's easier to corrupt a machine than a mind."

The girl fell silent then, nodding slightly as she took in the words he had just blurted out. Wooyoung was filled with thoughts and reflections, even if he did not seem like it, and that surprised her every time.
He had not changed after all.

After long minutes, the vehicle parked again, this time in front of their destination. They both got out of the car and looked at each other, accomplices.

"Will you...?"

"No." Wooyoung anticipated. "The shipment is mine, but it doesn't belong here."

The girl frowned at him slightly, not quite putting all the pieces together, and nodded, deciding not to probe further. Then, they entered the house. As soon as she was inside, she sighed with some relief and closed her eyes for a few seconds.

"I'm going to change my cloth-"

The girl's words were interrupted by herself as soon as she felt Wooyoung's arms around her hip, pulling her close to his body. Before she could add anything, the boy's hand caught her chin and turned her around. Their chests came together and their faces were only centimeters apart. Wooyoung stared into Y/N's eyes intently and raised an eyebrow.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered.

"I just..."

"Do you expect me to let you go when I finally have you all to myself again?" He chimed in again, smiling.

Y/N looked down at his smile for a few seconds and then returned to his eyes, biting her lip slightly in an inevitable smile:


Wooyoung giggled and rolled his eyes.

"I don't think so, love."

Then, he took her neck and ended up bringing his face completely closer, joining her lips; rewarding everything she had experienced in just a few hours.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now