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When the hours passed, Y/N kept her word and went to meet her friends at the address Sam had sent her. She knew anyway that Sam was capable of going to look for her if she was missing. There was really no way out now.

It was 10:30 p.m. and the four of them were already in place, sitting at one of the tables while laughing and chatting. Samuel, Christina, J.C and Y/N used to meet whenever they could, although for the last one of them it was more difficult to find an available time.

"Cheers!" Chris held up her beer bottle with a smile. "To achieve this meeting the full squad! I thought it wouldn't happen again until one of us was dead." She exaggerated.

Y/N rolled her eyes and gave a small laugh, taking her bottle and following her friend's toast.

"Yeah, I was surprised you weren't with things to do," J.C spoke after taking a long sip. "When Sam told us he was really hyped."

The girl gave Sam a look and denied with amusement. The three of them used to tease her because of the little free time she had; nothing new, she was used to it.

"I would love to be that euphoric about it." She commented, sighing slightly.

"What do you mean?" Samuel frowned at her, confused.

"I got fired."

"What?!" They were heard in unison.

"Why?" Chris asked, "Why would they ever...?"

"Well... budget cut," she said, trying not to make a big deal out of it. "And I still have a lot of life ahead of me... I guess they think I have a better chance of getting another job because I'm young... I still don't quite understand how."

"What? But that doesn't make sense!"

"Sense or nonsense, facts are facts." Y/N shrugged.

"And what's done is done." Sam added.

"How encouraging, Sam." J.C. hit him on the shoulder and shook disapprovingly.

Y/N laughed lightly again and took a deep breath, shaking her head away to drive the thoughts away. She had already had enough time to get depressed or feel her world collapsing; she did not want to continue with it now.

"Anyways, if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be here now." She concluded then with a smile, trying to cheer up her friends and not worry Sam.

"Well that's true." J.C. gave her the point.


After the new intervention of her friend, Y/N noticed how the others were encouraged and returned to toast. She was not able to tell them at that moment what her fate would be if she did not get a job soon. She had to pay for her studies the following week at the latest, or else she would have to leave the city and go back to live with her parents.

But she couldn't do that to them, it was the first time they met in a long time. She had to find a way to fix everything.
But she had no idea how.
Not at all.

Time passed and the group seemed more and more out of their senses. They all drank, laughed, played and danced. Chris and Sam seemed closer and closer every time, while J.C and Y/Ngave each other knowing glances.

Samuel had around four beers, as were Christina, J.C three, and Y/N just two, when a drunken fight caused the party to end earlier than planned. With nothing else to do, the four withdrew from the scene and took different paths. Seeing herself in that situation, Y/N kept her hands in her trouser pockets and went to her apartment, resigned.

But it was not the same anymore. She had alcohol in her body and no one was waiting for her at home. It would only be her and her thoughts, on a date with her uncertain future, that will only repeat over and over in her head, anguishing her more.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now