Too good for me 14

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I woke up completely clueless of two things; where I was and what had happened.

I sat up and felt something slide off of me. I looked back to see... JAKE!? "WHAT THE HELL?!" I screeched.

He groaned and sat up. "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" 

"You're right. I'm pshyco for freaking out. All I did was wake up with my ex-boyfriend that I can't stand, I don't remember last night, all I can make out is that I was date-raped. I'm over-reacting, eh?" I asked.

He sighed. "Yes, you did get date-raped. By who? I don't know. I found you passed out in Trevor's arms. I offered to let you stay at my place since you were supposed to be at Camille's for the night. So when you go home, say you were at Camilles."

"I'm not going home. Ever. I never want you. Never!" I exclaimed.

"Woah. Where's this coming from?" Jake asked confused.

"Trevor was the date-raper, or whatever you call it. He handed me the drink, He was the one who got a drink. I don't know what the hell he thought it would accomplish but he did it!" I was almost in tears. I blinked them away.

"Maybe he did do it, maybe he didn't. Just talk to him or somethin'." Jake rubbed my back. 

"Where is this niceness coming from? It's not helping the fact that I don't like you." I frowned.

"I just want to show you that there is more to me then cockyness and being an asshole." He smiled.

"No. No, there isn't. I'm not dumb. I'm just one of those girls outta your classic game. I'm not interested. Get that through your thick skull, you've done me wrong already; I won't fall for it ever again." I stared at him.

"You don't get it." He sighed.

"Jake, you don't get it. You don't get that i'm over you, you don't get that I don't want you, you don't get that I know what you're all about." I laughed. This whole thing was ridiculous. It's getting way out of control. Wait- getting? This shit should be on a TV show. 

"Okay, fuckin' fine. I give up." He said, anger flooded his voice.

I just laughed and walked out. "You're pathetic." I muttered.

I walked out of his house completely. It wasn't too far from Camille's house so I walked to hers. It took about 20 minutes, more or less. Once I got to her cozy, little house, I walked up the stairs to her door. 

My fist was just clenched, about to knock when the door flew open and there stood red-eyed Hunter. It looked as if he'd been crying.

"Hunter?" I looked at him. 

He just bumped past me. As soon as he passed me, I grabbed his wrist and turned him around pressing him against the bricks of Cami's house. 

"What is wrong?" I asked him gently. 

"Leave me alone." His words were filled with venom.

"Hunter!" My voice raised. "Tell me what is wrong!" 

"I thought I told you not to talk to me." He remained a calm voice but I could see how mad he was. His nostrils are flaring.  "I thought I told you not to come crying back to me." 

My grip loosened on him until I wasn't touching him at all. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

He just chuckled. "Yeah, well sometimes that's not enough." He brushed past me and jogged to his classic car. He drove away. 

A part of me felt ripped away. It felt as if part of my heart was just ripped out. I felt emptier than usual. 

I sat on Cami's stairs leading up to her house for hours. My hands were grasping my sides in attempt to keep myself together. 

 I heard the door open. "Angie?!" Camis smooth voice sounded alarm. 

I looked up at Cami to see her long red hair flowing down her back in a pony tail and she was wearing a blue sweat pants and Nike shoes. It looked to me like she was going for a run.

"Hi." I whispered.

"What is wrong?!" She helped me up and put a friendly arm over my shoulder.

"What were you and Hunter talking about?" I looked at her. 

"Come inside and let's chat." She half-smiled.

She led me up to her yellow bedroom. It had pictures scattered everywhere. On the floor, on her desk, on her bulletin board, and a million picture frames. 

I plopped on her perfectly made bed as a mess. I just stared at the picture of me and Hunter on the bulletin board. 

"Okay, tell me what's wrong." Cami sat beside me and patted my knee gently.

"My whole soap opera life is getting so old." I said harshly. "Now you tell me, what did Hunter talk about." 

She sighed. "You."

"But what did he say?" I muttered.

"He talked about how you were unlike any other girl. He said you could handle anything. He said... he said you were the strongest girl he knows." She closed her eyes. "And then he said that you made to ultimate mistake."

"What was that?" I whispered.

"You chose Trevor." She opened her eyes. "He can't stand Trevor for what he has done to you and it hurt Hunter so bad when you chose Trevor over him."

"But Hunter..."  I said. "He ..." 

"Face it, Angie." Cami interrupted. "You can tell where Hunter is coming from. Just lay your guard down for once." 

"I should go..." I walked toward the door. "Bye." 

She just put her hand up, gesturing good-bye.

I walked out of her house and walked to mine. I know, I know, I said I never wanted to go back but what choice did I have? Cami and my friendship was a bit bumpy and awkward, Hunter and I are... well, on hold for right now and Jake? No. Just no.

I walked in to my house and went to the kitchen to find Fiona. "I'm sorry I'm back. I just have nowhere to stay..."

"Oh it's fine!" She came over and hugged me. "Just make your space from Bill." 

"Okay." I whispered and walked up to my room. I passed the hang-out and Trevor was there playing an NHL video game.

"Hey!" He smiled.

I just went into my room and dropped my stuff. I walked into my bathroom and stripped of all clothing and went to have a shower. The shower was soothing. It made me forget everything. The water just dripped down my body in pure bliss. 

I wrapped my self in a towel and walked out of the bathroom. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I shreiked. 

What I saw was disgusting. It was disturbing. It was... Jake & Trevor.

Great... Just great!


Authors note!


Hey everyone! I know this one is short but I want to try and upload most of my stories within the next week. Therefore, they will not be extremely long chapters. But hey! At least it's an upload xD

 So I was thinking and this name is a bit... long. I mean 'The family that adopted me (and their incredibly fiiine son)' is a tad bit long and, quite frankily, it annoys the hell out of me! So if you have any ideas on a new name for this, comment below. It'll be greatly appreciated! (: 

 I would also like to know your thoughts on this story, like always, so please, please, please comment! 

Well, see ya! 

-- xintherainx <3

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