Too good for me 3

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" Mom, Im done helping you. I moved. Were seperated. As much as I am sad to see you go... Im happy... I get a new chance to make this life better." I whispered in a softer tone trying to imply that I give up on the crap she throws at me. 

"Please. I want you back! This is what I need from you.. your help... to get you back. Any plans?" She yelled. Wow, she was drunk. 

"Mom.. my only plans are to adjust to my new life. And your not in it. I just... want a second chance at life." I said hoping she'd just hang up. 

"I'll get you back... one way or another." She yelled once again and hung up. 

I sighed quietly but, enough for Trevor to hear.  

He looked at me "You okay?"  

"Uh.... yeah. I'm fine. Long day." I lied. 

He looked at me and raised one eyebrow. "Okay." 

Until then we sat in silence. We arrived at this house, not it couldnt be called a house. We pulled up to this... palace.. yeah thats more like it. 

"Heres your new home!" Bill exclaimed. Wow, thats the first time theres been expression in his voice. 

"Wow! Its... I'm ... speechless. Uh.... wow." I couldnt even make out ONE sentence. 

"You kids have one floor. And Bill and I have one floor, then the entertainment has one floor." She said in a polished tone.  

My mouth dropped. Now I was literally speechless. I couldnt speak. 

"Trevor... will you please show Angie to her room." Bill said. 

"Sure..." Trevor mummbled. 

I smiled at him. He was so cute! 

He started to walk and I trailed along. Okay, its not that he was emo or punk. He just looked like it. He was pretty normal. His hair was obviously naturally black, and he wore normal jeans but, just some black t-shirts that had names of bands all over them. He didnt have an emo cut, he had a hot shag. Ugh!!! Angie stop making judgements! I yelled at myself. 

We arrived in the house (palace) and I stared in shock. The foyer was.. breathtaking. Between the two sets of spiral stairs lead in the the kitchen. Which by the looks of it had Granite countertops. I was snapped back to life by clicking on the floor. I looked down to see marble floors. I looked to my right where a arch led to the office with mahogany desk and mahogany bookshelves covered in books. I walked over it. The walls were a dark red and there was a leather chair under the desk. There was no feminine touches so I could tell it was probably Bill's office. 

"Come on." Trevor said with a little expression.  

I followed him until we got to the third floor. Once up the stairs there was a lounge. I was awe-struck.  

"So, this is the third floor lounge just for us kids. Parents can only come up if they worn us in advance" He smiled.  

"Thats really cool!" I exclaimed and then my smile faded when I noticed that was what three year olds do.  

But, instead of looking at me like I was crazy he just laughed. His laugh was smooth, friendly, and absoulutley not forced. 

He led me to my room where my heart dropped.  

Dark purple covered the wall and white furniture were placed in a formal way. I found an excited smile form on my face. I always wanted this kind of look as a room ever since I saw it in a magazine. The bed had to be king sized but it still left room for a L-shaped desk with a white 'MAC' computer, which STILL left room for the huge open space. There was a couple of doors which made me curious. Well, curiousity killed the cat ... oh who cares?! My cat already died.. and it died from a car! 

Too good for me. (The Family That Adopted Me..)Where stories live. Discover now