Too good for me 7

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I fell asleep with Trevors picture. I honestly had no clue of how to digest this situation. Like, Jake is kind of the badboy who didnt give a sh*t about anything and thats kind of always been my type, but, Trevor actually cared. He cared if I got hurt, or if someone shattered me, he'd be there to pick up the peices, and it was a nice change to have a secure guy, that actually cared, at least, Trevor used to care... he said goodbye. Could it possibly mean hes done?  

I shot up in my bed from my horrible nightmare. I was falling (classic, I know.) and I was yelling "Trevor! Jake! Someone! Catch me!" and I heard "I will." so, I wasnt worried as much, and when I came closer to the ground I saw Trevor, and Jake there to catch me but, right at the last second they moved and noone was there to catch me.And thats when I woke up. I breathed in and out as if I was in the middle of labour. I looked beside me to see Trevors picture. I shoved it under the bed immediatley. 

I mumbled "Gotta get over him" repeatedly as I stumbled to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and jumped once I saw my reflection. I had a mohawk made out of tangles in my hair. Must of been a rough sleep. I grabbed my brush and started untangling it, about an hour later after I showered and did my makeup, I got dressed in a 'hollister' shirt I had from home, and a denim mini skirt. 

I walked out of my room and heard my ringtone 'pants on the ground' by that dude from American Idol, and I smiled once I remembered it was Jake's ringtone. I let out a giggle.  

"Hey" I answered trying to sound cool. 

"Hey babe" He said sounding laid back but, I could hear the smile on his face. 

"Whats up?"  

"Nothing, I was wondering if we could hang out." he said. 

"Yeah, come over here." I said 

"Kay, Bye," He said and hung up. 

I closed my phone and danced down the stairs happily and excitedly.  

I bumped into Trevor and looked at him wide eyed.He was so cute. SHUT UP ANGIE! You like Jake! Just focus on Jake!  

I went around him awkwardly, and he didnt move. I looked back at him and he was looking at me. There was something in his eyes, a flicker of sadness and anger mixed, maybe. "Are you okay?" I asked him knowing I really shouldnt be talking to him. 

He shook his head and got his eyes off my body and looked in my eyes "Yeah. Im fine"  

I just nodded and went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Literally right when I finished eating the doorbell rang. Trevor was about to answer it but, I slid if front of him and opened the door. I stood at the hottie in front of me. Jake. I smiled at him and he winked in return. He came forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips. 

I gave him a hug then, pulled away and took him to the kids lounge and watched 'the hangover'. I was cuddled up to him when, Trevor. Trevor looked at us and looked sad for a minute and the smirked, snorted and walked into his room. I looked at Jake and he was smiling. He was such a jerk ... i loved it. 

"Are you guys talking yet?" I asked, hoping I didnt ruin there friendship. 

"Nope." He said uncaring. 

I bit my lip nervously. He looked at me. "Angela, come on! Get over it! You have me now." He said the first part angrily and the last part seductivley. 

I smiled a fake smile. I cant get over it. Trevors a nice guy, hes the good guy. Shit. Did I just make a huge mistake? 

Those thoughts were interrupted by Jakes kiss. It started out harsh then, got softer. I tasted Trevors lips though. I wanted Trevors lips. For a split second... I thought it was Trevor. I pulled away and looked at Jake. He pulled me back. I put my hands on his chest and pushed hoping he'd stop. But he didnt. He just pulled my closer. Im not this girl. Im not someone who kisses two guys and gets torn between them. Its not me.  

Too good for me. (The Family That Adopted Me..)Where stories live. Discover now